Druid emblems for Kadilen or Horghall

I have Kadilen and Horghall both maxed out and both have 7 emblems on them at the moment.
My question is, do I feed them evenly or do I feed 1 over the other and if so, which 1 do I feed emblems to first?

kadilen much more useful. u should focusing all emblems to kadilen.

note: before kadilen, i suggest to max emblems for 4* caedmon first if u haven’t

Caedmon has 20 emblems already

then go to kadilen. focus all emblems on kadilen attack node. she is pretty annoying to take down on defense and war.

Just saw your youtube channel, do you have a Kadilen video?

most of my video already old. pre-emblems.
so it won’t represent the heroes with current maxed emblems.

my suggestions if u want to embleming 5*, just focusing only 1 hero first to at least to node 18.

half baked kadilen and horghall isn’t really good

Thanks, I have Lianna maxed with 20, Hiemdall with only 1 (Richard took the rest), Horghall and Kadilen both with 7 and Caedmon with 20 on my green team.

Subbed to your youtube channel as well.