Dragon Raiders is recruting. Fun and active alliance. Taking down 7 star titans and building towards 8 star. We ask that you use all War flags or opt. Come check us out. Currently two open spots!
The Dragon Raiders just had two spots open up on our amazing team! Join up and grow with us. We enjoy winning wars and eating titan chips!
There is one spot still open in our alliance. Stop in and check us out!
Who is in for the free beer and Titan chips?!?2 spots open in this active member alliance. Come on down and let the Dragon Raids begin! Word to your mother!
Dragon Raiders is recruiting 2 new members for our active alliance. We serve free beer and Titan Chips daily! Taking down 7* Titans and working on 8’s! We are always pushing and moving forward as a group. Rock on! That is all! Word to your mother!
Dragon Raiders is recruiting 2 new members for our active alliance. We serve free beer and Titan Chips daily! Taking down 8* Titans and working on 9’s! We are always pushing and moving forward as a group. Rock on! That is all! Word to your mother!
Dragon Raiders is recruiting 2 new members for our active alliance. We serve free beer and Titan Chips daily! Taking down 8* Titans and working on 9’s! We are always pushing and moving forward as a group. Rock on! That is all! Word to your mother!
Dragon Raiders is recruiting 2 new members for our active alliance. We serve free beer and Titan Chips daily! Taking down 8* Titans and working on 9’s! We are always pushing and moving forward as a group. Minimum 1800 trophies required. Rock on! That is all! Word to your mother!
Come one come all!!!Dragon Raiders is recruiting 2 new members for our active alliance. We serve free beer and Titan Chips daily! Taking down 8* Titans and working on 9’s! We are always pushing and moving forward as a group. Minimum 1800 trophies required. Rock on! That is all! Word to your mother!