Dragon Cohort TMA looking for the right ones

8 available…you forgot about baby mama spot

Edit: @Alone_Wolf not sure what happened there buddy…but we have temporarily set the alliance to open for you.

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I’ve had the pleasure of hanging with this fab alliance all week and I can’t recommend them enough! Two of my favorite forum faces in @L33tVortex and @kwong79 among other kind and cool players. If you’re looking for a smart, veteran, supportive, and chill group you should stop by Dragon Cohort TMA and stay awhile. Thanks for hosting me :kissing_heart::heart:


It was a pleasure to have you with us, @Smaug_the_Golden and you’re welcome back anytime

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Yes :arrow_up: this… what she said

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Where fo you fit in???

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Our beautiful and kind leader has temporarily returned from her travels for a Christmas stay with us :heart:
What a wonderful gift!

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Would you be interested in a merger? I handle recruiting for the Guardians Family, and we have an alliance that recently joined us with 13 members. We could bring you into the family and almost fill you up. The benefits of joining our family include:

  1. We handle all the recruiting
  2. The ability to visit other alliances in the family
  3. Our very active chat groups on Line. Our gameplay chat has over 240 members, and is a great place to go for news of the game and helpful tips.
  4. Being part of a community that reinvigorates people’s interest in the game.

If interested, you can reach me on Line at dulok33 or Discord ar troymartin3303.

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Thank you so very much for your time and consideration, but we are comfortable right where we are. We are only accepting new members in a few at a time and at this time a merger out is not an option. Again thank you for taking the time to look at us.
Good luck recruiting!

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I’m going to give it to you straight here folks. We are pretty boring, most of our members have played in the top 100 we know what to do and do it with no drama whatsoever. Little bit of chit chat here and there but mostly just do the things. Everybody uses their war flags, everybody tries their best, win or lose, we do it together. It’s a group effort, so no individual egos necessary. if you’re looking for a place to relax and just do you stop in and give us a try.

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Well we are less boring than watching paint dry although I have heard it can be quite an exciting pastime. Anyway apparently humans can see 10 million shades of colour but cannot see Bee Purple - although wasps can. Now how about that for some exciting information? You don’t get that in every alliance!


Another non-exciting day in our alliance. We just got on with things although maybe some of us did ponder if there were any plans by E&P to release new heroes of colours that cannot be seen by humans - a bit like Bee Purple? Perhaps they already have?