Doubts about war prizes

Are there levels of prizes in the war? Who makes the most point wins more prizes?

Nope. It’s an alliance event, not an individual event.

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Thanks! :sorrindo: I needed to confirm this to organize my alliance strategy for war.

How about war chest? Still need 1 point to open. So sad. :disappointed:

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The war chests are the same for everyone. It’s this way as it’s an alliance activity, not an individual activity. Why would you give someone extra points for being high score when someone may strategically not take points?
I care more about ascension items than anything else so that’s all I’ve been tracking. This far, it’s apparent that the war chest has two guarenteed ascension items and high odds that they are not farmible. That said, some people are getting tall boots, scabbards, and similar. Good luck in getting some nice loot.


You jinxed me. :laughing:

I did get boots and scabbard along with dragon attack and trainer. :joy:

Ah man. That blows. Sorry. I don’t recall what I got but it was good. I think it was darts and a sturdy shield. Better look with the next 25. I think odds are pretty good though I don’t think you believe me right now.

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The prize is not equal for all members even those who have made 100% of the wars. A friend won a titan vial and I won a vat. She won epic summoning I won ordinary

No, they are not equal. You have two ascension rolls with it sounds like a greater chance for non farmable material. After that, it’s all RNG as to what actually drops. But the reward is not based on individual scoring.