Dolores - 5* Holy / Yellow from Shadow heroes

Hey, I was looking for Mr. Pengi too, but look who came out instead. At first I thought it was the hero of the month. What a surprise.


1 pull wonder :laughing:


Got my first insanity hero with this lady. I have fought her twice and she felt very powerful. Did I just have bad luck that match or is she that good?

After 100s of pulls, trying to get this chick last year, i get her on pull 8 today. Wow


Yes! Of course! And now I feel like a total moron for thinking “She starred with … Huge Ackman, and it took place in … Australia,” and yet not realizing the answer. (Old age is a really :poop:y ■■■■■!) I had the answer and didn’t recognize it! I’m pretty sure Dolores is based on a still of Kidman from the film used to promote it; I remember seeing it until I got sick of it, though I appreciated it for letting me know she was gonna be a tough mofo, something that often turns me off.

Thanks for rattling my brain around so the memory became accessible again, boss! :+1:t2:

(I’m back in this thread because I just did a ten-pull and got her, Xnolphod +costume (had been desperate for a purple :five::star2: healer and my eight Anoushkas weren’t impressing me), Zed, Kalo (yahoo! FINALLY!), Shoggo, four Kornels :flushed::roll_eyes:, and some random food). (This is amazing as I’d always had pretty good luck, but it began to dwindle and ultimately resulted in the Great Black Friday Disaster, when out of 80 pulls, I got Alvar (AMAZING hero, though I’m drowning in holy heroes), Xavier, two additional Menes (also amazing!), three Faeonnas, and a couple of useful :four::star2:heroes, but that was it, and I lost pretty much the remaining joy and motivation I’d been having playing, as for months, I’ve been leveling :five::star2:s I’m not particularly interested in to 3/70 because I had little better to do, and tonight gave me back some of the direction and joy I’d been missing.) (Now: what to do about the dearth of Tomes of Tactics? Argh.)

I’m sorry for the rambling; I have no one else to talk to about this stuff (as you’re well aware, you can’t simply prattle on about the games you’re playing, as folks’ eyes glaze over FAST! And I know and appreciate how they feel), so it’s cool to be able to share my newly-reclaimed fun with people who get it. :hugs:

If you’ve read this far, I appreciate it, and happy new year!


Sweetie, you didn’t actually see “Dead Calm,” didja? It takes place on a boat and features a very young Kidman in skimpy, damp clothes, with her crazy curly hair and her pre-plastic, soft, delicate, pre-Raphaelite, beautiful face, not a woman pushing sixty with about 96 procedures trying and failing to look like she did in “Dead Calm” running around in farm clothes toting a rifle. :smiling_face:

Either that or your brain is as desiccated and musty as mine, in which case you have all my sympathy. :cold_sweat::disappointed::kiss::people_hugging:

Ha. I did see that movie when it came out, I bet it still holds up. Gratuitous nudity as well, I approve!

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You’re right, and it’s definitely time to watch it again! :grinning: (Though I have a memory of Sam Neill being in it, and if I’m right, he’s kinda drying me up. Still, it’d be amazing to see Kidman again when she was incredible!)

Ha. Yes, Sam O’Neil of Jurassic park fame!

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Urgh. I know he’s wildly popular with women, but he grosses me out. He must subconsciously remind me of a pervy high school teacher or something, because he snaps me tightly shut and dries me out. Icky!

At least there’s pre-plastic Kidman to distract me.

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Pulled her, any good heroes to match with her?

yellow fast that will fire next to her

she will most time hit just one hero and as with akarog that rearrange and hit i was disappointed in her as card i need to admit

she is only insanity hero and to be honest i dont use her almost never ,always forget about her

as i dont like this mechanic i will never pull here

taunt blue one is only one great that will come one day that inflict insanity to all once she is hit and with taunt o yes she will be hited