Does your Alliance allow shields for rare titans?

Fair enough i guess

I do believe there are alternatives and cheaper routes available though but different strokes for different folks


I allow my alliance to use any means at their disposal when it comes to titans.

So long as they don’t get a higher titan score than me. That is absolutely forbidden. :grin:


We don’t restrict shields or flasks or any other items. We only ask at times to slow the kill to maintain our current titan level. As a partially filled alliance, we are trying to maintain a consistent kill rate.

And rares don’t get skipped. Ever.


I’m sure you’d be a welcomed addition, can search Crew-Saders if you’re ever curious about the requirements. And of course my line is always open for additional questions.

Id: jrigs


Even if they use shield, there is no way we can look at the items used by other members to hit titan.


Are you sayin your teammates are liars?



Yes, it is true :slight_smile:
My best score is on a lukcy board without shield .

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I was about to sing your praises about being on-topic :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.


We are fighting with 9-10 star titans.

Shield usage is not really worth on it.

How should whoever control what items, heroes or whatever will be used to get rid of those beasts?

All you can give is sth like a score goal and to use xx amount of flags on every titan.


LOL… I just reopened my (have to open the game to look)… as I saw a friend used them and they did well. image The make shiat hut with your dragon parts. All I can do with it is poons (and I don’t play that).

It says it right there didn’t see it (Hunters Lodge). I don’t know anyone that actually uses it for anything (or if they do they are keeping it as a secret).

About item usage:

One thing we strongly suggest in our alliance.

We always try to fill the titans with harpoons to level 1 or 2.

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Hunters lodge = make :poop: hut lol

All i want to do with mine is poons.

I did research the shields to see if it was possible that i could do the damage i do in 5 hits, in 1 hit but it’s not so veered away from it.

If I’m going to use resources on items, it’s to accomplish a necessity i can’t otherwise accomplish or save more resources than it costs or both


Why? Just curious… being I don’t use Hunters Lodge nor harpoons. What do you do the level one for?

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You get titan parts if you reach treshold 1. and more if you reach treshold 2.

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Our team fills tier 1 of poons every titan as well just to stay stocked on parts IN CASE they’re ever needed

Sure we feel the need is unlikely but if they become a necessity somehow, we dont want to be the only top 100 alliance caught with our pants down

The practice has been discussed and debated a lot though and will continue to be until the parts actually serve a purpose we need them to


:rofl: @yelnats_24

I feel the more important alliance controlled Titan item should be harpoons.
@Rigs what’s your alliance’s stand on harpoons?

I must confess I just scored 2x compass, Titan skull, heart and tail off a Titan I didn’t harpoon once.

I’m terrible with items for titans. Just arrows :bow_and_arrow:, axes :axe: and antidotes (for red, yellow and purple Titans) or bear banners ( for green titans) or turtle banners (for blue titans)


Maybe these battle items which are crafed at HL will be usefull at Tavern of Legends for those who are not having enough good heros like me…

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I actually was mostly aware of that and when I’ve been in alliances that do they freak out if you go over? Anyway so you use poons to make more poons? What do you do with the Titan Parts? Probably sounds like a stupid question you just caught me at a moment I"m curious as I never have been before (also several players I knew said it wasn’t worth using so I shut it down like I did the hookah hut thing).

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I am just using harpoons, small antidotes, and bear banner, and sometimes small mana potion on titan.

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