Does the game drain your phone battery?

KI did some research on this today because I’m not plugged in on Tuesday, and noticed a steady battery drain with nothing running. No apps on.

According to one website, there was a number of things I could do to fine tune my phone’s power management:

  • Fix push mail to fetch (make your phone only check for mail periodically, not constantly)
  • Turn Off Unnecessary Location Services (turn off Settings that send out your location beyond what is necessary for your phone to function)
  • Turn off Analytics (up to you)
  • Turn off extra notifications (wow, there were a lot of these!)
  • Turn off unused Background App Refresh
  • Turn ON auto-lock (to keep from wasting power on the purty purty screen)
  • Disable unnecessary visual effects

There were other items that I was already doing (swipe apps closed, power down phone once a week, keep phone cool but not cold, etc etc). I made the above changes today and am testing the results. So far, I am cautiously optimistic (the battery isn’t draining like a sieve now)!