Do you still get a bonus for dropping the entire enemy team in Wars or no?

I know we used to but so much has changed. Not to mention, I never did have a grasp on How that bonus was calculated…if anyone has any info on that I would appreciate your input. Wanna know how hard to push our members if close to a full shut out.

  Edit: this was a misconception on my part but I can't seem to delete the thread. I'm not authorized lol.

no bonus, but it is to your advantage because then all teams respawn so you can take them out again…at least the lower ones if you don’t have the teams to drop them all again. The respawn is longer each time… 6 hours, then eight etc. so if you can it is best to flip the board as soon as possible.


check out hazard’s alliance war strategy guide, lots of good tips for wars.

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There was never a bonus for forcing a respawn. Never.

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I read (being Brand new to the game at the time) about the advantage of knocking out their whole team and misconstrued it, believing (probably due to the wording of a post) that you got a straight up point bonus. Never looked into it any further and was never able to verify it bcuz of our lacklustre participation. Oops. Thanks, about to withdraw the querie.

Thanks, it took a sec but yeah, I get it. Im an idiot,
please disregard.

And LY, THAT is exactly the kind of info I needed so thank you Alot. Hazards explanations (& wording) are priceless.

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No, you’re not an idiot…:slightly_smiling_face: this misconception has been going around, and going around. Which is why I replied as I did. Just want it to stop. And because @LadyAnesthesia had already explained the actual advantage and pointed you in the right direction…