Do not complain, be patient and learn!

This will be the first event I have not finished in about 1 year or whenever I was able to complete whatever the game threw at me. Not because I can’t, but because I just don’t care. Not wasting resources like time stops , bombs, or dragon attacks. Prefer to save those things for events that count or matter.


I used to share the same feelings and realized this event is not worth the tornados so I switched to 1* / 2* items. Today I finished 9 floors and got 20 emblems / XP / food and iron. Not impressive but still something.

This is how I’m going to play from now on: 1* / 2* items. Whenever I no longer have heroes, there I stop.

Is it fun? Hmmm… No, I don’t like it where only the RNG can save you. But when there’s nothing else to do, this can come in handy. I really hope we’ll get better rewards.


I really appreciate responses like this. I’m usually just on here reading and it gets tiresome listening to the “B&M” club constantly! Just wanted to give some props when they’re due… Thanks

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So, lets get this right: the amoubt of days you use the forum does not indicate how expert you are. Yes, some players play better then others, I have seen enough of that.

Read the post carefully and try to undestand the point. Every war some of my alliance friends complain about the board after every failed hit while others seem to do well quite consistently. Tell me why?

I posted this to make a point: when you fail do not just complain and try to improve and learn.

This is not dedicated to people who decide not to do the event bc they want to save the items, bc of rewards etc. I never said why doesn’t everyone complete the event.


I don’t find the event too hard. I just find it unfun. Like weirdly in general, not a fun event. I don’t have constructive criticism. There’s not a fine tuning that will change my opinion. It sucks, the heroes suck, the rewards suck, the gameplay sucks. No sir, I don’t like it.

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What you fail to see is that some of the people that express disatisfaction about this tower of madness here on the forum are experienced players with two+ years of E&P experience behind them, solid rosters and skilled in handeling tiles. And out of the blue, you come preaching about more healers and improving board skills… about needing more healers for war… how many healers can one use in war? I’ve seen names expressing disappointment about this event that I’m quite sure have more than 10 maxed healers. I’ve seen names that have been to #1. I’ve seen names that compleated doezens of events and hundreds of wars… when you adress the comunity you also adress these people too, sugesting they should go learn how to play… of course they’ll find it funny.


I just want to say I love Ninja Tower. It’s not perfect and I hope the reward system gets a revamp. But I am glad they made the rewards crappy the first go around, unlike when tournaments started out great and got nerfed.
The game play is different enough. It is challenging. It is fun. Depth is not the issue. Player with depth re not doing well, players with less depth are doing well. It’s a different way to play the game. YOu have to think alot more.

I would prefer if there were 10-20 less floors so it takes less time.

I am excited to see how far I go. Made it thorugh the first 30 floors with zero curses. I really do not get the dislike people are having for this event, it is much better than ToL and challenge events.

Thanks SG for finally giving us a challenge, but please rethink rewards and time requirements for the event to make it even better.


Ninja tower just take too much time, IMO. 10 attacks with all other stuff to do in day it seems hardly worth it. Maybe if there were reward in the end or maybe so that you get 10 attacks every day on those would stack and you could use like all 50 at once


Point noted, thank you.

I guess I do not understand just how a player with a deep bench of heroes and experience could have trouble with this. I read from other posts as well people saying they get throigh the event with not many items used and very little curses on their heroes. This is my experience as well.

And again, if you think the items are not worth the reward that is another topic. I do not know why people are writting here about this. I am addresing a specific part of the community, perhaps it is not clear from the initial post.

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Thank you for that.

All this time I’ve seen posts on how everything is easy and we need a challenge etc. Well, here is a challenge in which you have to think differently and plan for 50 stages.

I am sure they will fix the rewards and will be looking forward for the next one for sure.

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Well said! We live in a culture where people want to have all the shiny things immediately instead of working for it. I’m glad there is finally a challenge that is hard and makes you think. Please stop complaining people. Don’t play it if you don’t want to. But don’t ruin something good for the rest of us. Ugh!


I agree the rewards need to be tweaked. But they will do it.

This happens to me all the time. 5 or more times in a battle. Oni tiles with nothing short of a miracle needed to get rid of them… I can’t understand how some people say they only got a few curses… I guess luck is a extremly powerful factor in this matter… Situations like the one above got 24 of my heroes benched until lvl.22 and got me to leave the event alone.


A few ponts here:

That is a bad team you put up. You might not have the heroes but raonbow is really bad here. I did 3-2 with double healers in all of the stages. This allows you to finish quicker and hence avoid curses.

Another thing you can do is match mostly in the middle of the board. That will bring the curses in the middle where there is better chance of matching them in 3 moves.

And I found it very important to save diamonds if possible and use them only when a curse cannot be matched. You can’t always do this but it is good to keep in mind.

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That’s a scrap leftover team of heroes I never use anywhere else… I wouldn’t even call it a team… it’s just some heroes thrown togather out of frustration, after I’ve quit the event, in order to take a pic of some impossible oni related situations. I’m definitely not the adept of rainbow. But it’s not about the team, it’s about the oni tile. Unremovable. Anyway, that “team” that got to the bosses unscratched and at full mana and was killed in a matter of just a few turns…

Here’s another one that went bad, just a few turns later… no blue tile came up for three turns…

Result? One healer out within one mob wave… notice how the healer started with 0 curses while other three heroes were already cursed and yet the one that got cursed twice was the healer… somehow oni tiles have a predilection for healers…


Look, I like challenge, which is the only reason I bother with NT. But the reward/effort ratio is by far the worst from entire game. Even filling monster chests has better return, if only for the reason it does not drain your ressources. I am on 45th floor and I got, ding-ding, whole 87 ninja tokens and some emblems. People said ToL was bad already but it still could be done rather easily and you did get 2 free pulls. And I am saying this as someone who regularly slays Bonus Bosses in games where you get only cosmetic awards for your troubles. At least an avatar of ninja for getting to 50th floor would be nice, if only for bragging!


“Do not complain, be patient and learn”.

Ok, please teach me how to deal with curse tiles that drop in the corner when I have no matches below it and no similar color tiles near it.

Teach me how to deal with losing all my healers to the curse when higher levels require 2 healers to survive (with luck!).

Teach me how to deal with bosses so OP they can’t be killed before firing practically wipe out my team with one hit.

This doesn’t seem/feel like map levels that you can change hero’s, items and/or strategy to defeat. There is WAY too much random luck with the curses and way over powered bosses.

I’ll probably use my tower energy to get as many emblems as I can but I don’t expect to finish and I sure as hell won’t spend any money for tower energy refills.


This has definitely been one of my approaches, whether it’s the same element as a curse and gets rid of it right away or simply revamps the board. I also target middle and horizontal matches over vertical and side matches when possible to reduce the odds of a stranded curse shield. Lastly, I bring tornadoes to refresh unfavorable boards for curses as well as getting my heroes mana.

My teams have evolved over time, but I’m currently using 4 colors after starting with 3-1-1 with a focus on mana effects and attack bonus (even though it’s only one turn). Currently Proteus +19, Rigard Costume +19, Santa (for minions) +2, Liana Costume +2, and Mist +19. Mist and Liana have one curse each. I will switch out Rigard at some point for Boldtusk or Kiril attack healers as his healing over time (HOT) is only good for one round right now. Saving them for when I need them in case more curses come. I also have a Little Richard +19 and costume bonus for mana control.

My blessings have been focused on mana, minions and defense, although I might focus on Minions first in the next tower as they can grow to by 25% health and attack, which could be quite nice in the higher rounds.

I’ve been using Time Stops against bosses recently as I have a ton of them and don’t use them anywhere else. Typically go with Fire Bombs to reduce the attack of first wave and bosses, Time Stops for bosses (obviously), Tornadoes (might use one to help with curses, but the rest are for bosses) and minor mana potions for my mana controllers and healers as needed on that boss stage.

I have a great need for emblems, so that’s what’s keeping me in the game. I focused on 4-star embleming, and am just beginning to get my 5-stars going with none above 8 Emblems at this point.

I understand the frustration of some of the players as this is a time-consuming, repetitive process that does not have the summoning rewards we’re used to for events and no ascension materials for all the effort required. There were a few people clamoring for a very challenging event, and this is definitely it, but the rewards don’t seem to match the level of effort/battle items required to complete it.

Ten Floors per day is a lot, especially as the mob levels get longer and the bosses get harder to topple, but I’m interested to see if I can make it to the top floor; even if I don’t come close to the top of the leaderboard.


Also, since there can be only one curse stone on board at any given time, when I have diamond matching the color, I wait until is down to one, so I get some breathing room. In case of accidental detonation I don’t lose the way to destroy the cursed tile at least, since it will be destroyed as well.


Screenshot_20201017-0037181 I just had to run at level 25:

This is my current roster:

I´m not a great player but with that roster I have reached Diamond in pvp have done last challenges in legendary.

But there are some odds that I have no tools to overcome:

There are Oni Tiles that become unmatchables in 3 moves and if you saves a diamond or a dragon tile probably a cascade will screw them or you need that combo to stay alive.

Defensive buffs such Riposte or defense buff are several times ignored (I don´t know if they bypass shared damage or BK special It´s only a scratch) The only way to reduce the damage taken is attack debuff and blinding. Even with that they hit from 50% to 75% of heroes hp from slash attacks.

If you try to work your board poison depletes your health and slash attacks leaves you almost dead.

It´s a very hard event out of reach for too many people and discouraging for a lot of more.

I´m currently around 160k position at stage 25, in a Grimforest challenge more than 200k finish legendary…

It´s not balanced, at all.

And each stage can take more than 10 minutes. That means almost 2 hours to spend the flags…