Do i limit break and emblem Horus and Quenell?

I have the mats for them. But unsure if i hold out and wait for better

Go for it! They are both great heroes!


I agree. I don’t have Quenell, but love Horus.


I would too. You can accumulate LBs for the next project as the months progress.

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Thanks all shes almost there ascend and used the legendary tome to get her to 80, out of ham but already used her in raid she is amazing

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I’ve ascended Quenell and she is every bit as monstrous as everyone says. Horus I’ve left at 3/70, mainly because I have no darts and other yellow 5*s but also because in the little bit I’ve used him his HP reduction seems to be a bit underwhelming.

Yeah i agree with that that why i haven’t lb him yet, i just see a lot of the top players using him i think its mainly fir the passive, the only way i have had some success is using him and morax together but its in no way convincing… cause as soon as there are over healers its a bit redundant