Do critical boosters negate Wu Kongs miss percentage

i have Melia maxed and took her on a titan hit and noticed i missed a lot less when her special is active along with Wu Kongs have no other critical boosters and wondered if it work that way for all or did i just get a lucky run

You just got a lucky run. Criticals are a separate buff category from what Wu Kong does. I run Ares and Wu on green titans, and my miss percentage is the normal Wu rollercoaster.

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awe shucks killed my dreams of greg and ares with wu don’t have them but was about to be wishing for them in atlantis lol

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They’re still pretty darned useful. But wish for Tarlak instead :slight_smile:

tarlak and wilbur are imaginary heroes stop telling stories


You don’t even want to know the Tarlak probabilities on the next Atlantis. Stranger things have happened though. :man_shrugging: