[Discussion, Rant?] The lack of Quality of life improvements in 3 years shows Devs do not care about F2P / C2P or multiple Classic heroes or trade but they care only about the latest shiny hero

Titan tier 9+

Totally 100% agree.

My favorite account spent 1.5 years fighting 5* titans. Which only gave me titan loot tier 5-7, which has a zero percent chance of 4* ascension items ( see below).

Currently in a 3 person alliance with wife and mom fighting 2* titans for titanium shield ingredients ( soon to be nerfed ) and Path of Valor.

So my family alliance has given up on the #1 source of 4* ascension items.

Both the Devs own support data base, and player tracking, show you must have titan loot tier 8+ ( high level titan ) for 4* ascension items.

Titan loot tier 9+ increases your chance of 4* ascension items by +50% over titan loot tier 8 since you get 3x ascension item rolls instead of 2x rolls.

Titan loot tier 1-7 has a zero percent chance of 4* ascension items.

The Devs never told us this, we had to figure it out from vague clues and tedious data collection.


(Titan Loot & You - A Data Farming Project! ***PRELIMINARY RESULTS***)

(Titan Loot Project - A Data Farming Project! Answering "What can/could I get from the Titan?")

([Query] Does anyone know what loot tier has a chance for Epic Hero token? Or Digging through Support FAQ for Elusive answers about 4* ascension items drop rate)