[Discussion, Rant?] The lack of Quality of life improvements in 3 years shows Devs do not care about F2P / C2P or multiple Classic heroes or trade but they care only about the latest shiny hero

Live service games

Empires and Puzzles is a Pay 2 Win, live service game

Similar to a championship match for a polo club/ yacht club/ summer hockey league/ ski club it is not meant for all people

In this Pay 2 Win example

Pay 2 Play are club members that did not make the championship

Cheap 2 Play watch in person

Free 2 Play watch it live streamed/ previously recorded

Click for rant

Board games

Unfortunately, the pandemic prevents my friends from playing board games

The previous rise in board games ( all components to play are included, you can modify/ add on to it, and it does not stop working with the latest rented OS software update ) was in part due to the freemium/ micro transaction model of video games


Click for notes

Merciless RNG

(Enough already - #40 by Gryphonknight)

Vampires / older heroes

Player friendly

Fun and helpful versus one size fits all