[Discussion, Rant?] The lack of Quality of life improvements in 3 years shows Devs do not care about F2P / C2P or multiple Classic heroes or trade but they care only about the latest shiny hero


Someone just pointed out that only the featured 5* heroes in Seasonal summons get costumes ( per current Beta rumors )

That may be SGG’s plan

So Roc does not get a costume this year

Next year, only Roc and one other 5* Hero will get a costume. Example Roc and Rana

They can then duplicate this method for ALL summons portals

Only featured 5* heroes get a costume, no 3*, no 4* and no non-featured 5* heroes

Based on their current business plan, that would likely generate the most micro transaction revenue

3* / 4*

Until Challenge event v2.0, 3* / 4* heroes have been largely ignored

Partly due to size of SGG. Partly due to Zynga merger. But mostly because of 5* HotM / 4* ascension item business model.

I give the following odds

1:2 limited edition 3* / 4* heroes with costumes are NEVER added to Empires and Puzzles

1:2 limited edition 3* / 4* heroes with costumes are added to Tavern of Legends. 95% chance Classic 3* / 4* hero. 5% chance limited 3* / 4* hero per Tavern summons.

1:2 limited edition 3* / 4* heroes with costumes are added to Project Duplicate ( use for 5* duplicates that does not require Stronghold Lv25 AND insane levels of base resource storage )

1:8 limited edition 3* / 4* heroes with costumes are added to Costume chamber. 95% chance Classic 3* / 4* hero. 5% chance limited 3* / 4* hero per Costume summons.

1:1028 limited edition 3* / 4* heroes with costumes are added to Hero Academy. 95% chance Classic 3* / 4* hero. 5% chance limited 3* / 4* hero per Academy summons.

1:1x 10^1028 limited edition 3* / 4* heroes with costumes are added to Training camps. 95% chance Classic 3* / 4* hero. 5% chance limited 3* / 4* hero per Costume summons.

Click for Rant


We will just have to agree to disagree

(Search results for 'Wu Kong ' - Empires & Puzzles Community Forum)


Trust me. DO.NOT. CLICK. Last chance. Do not do it.

I was disappointed when 1*/ 2* heroes were given classes and then abandoned.

I was disappointed when 1*/ 2* heroes were not given costumes. But not surprised since End game players / Devs dislike 1* / 2* heroes ( looking at you colored recruit training/ Trainer hero update )

I was disappointed when 3* heroes got costumes but not 2* mana troops. But not surprised. Ignoring the 5* HotM/ 4* ascension item business model does not make it go away.

I was not disappointed when Wu Kong did not get a decent costume. The business model was set in stone. I just shrugged and moved on with my life.

I was not disappointed when no 4* costume was based on 5* Titan damage boosters ( Titan Damage Boosters: Miki vs. Tarlak vs. Ranvir vs. Wu Kong vs. Guardian Gazelle). The business model was set in stone. I just shrugged and moved on with my life.

So I am not surprised that 3* / 4* limited heroes are basically ignored by Devs. The business model is set in stone. I just shrug and moved on with my life.

But the single most painful Devs decision was making a yellow 4* HEALER a limited edition hero available once per year.

Tim admits yellow 4* are unbalanced ( see notes ).

Wu Kong stands out not just because they are a titan damage booster, but because most yellow 4* heroes are defensive, weak, or both, in a game were 4* heroes are the core of Free 2 Play and Cheap 2 Player.

While not as painful, the same is true of 3* limited availability healers.

If 3* / 4* limited availability healers get costumes, that will just add further insult to the injury done to Free 2 Play and Cheap 2 Play.

Gilded cage

Lack of Quality of Life improvements actually help freemium business model.

Lack of 3* / 4* hero balancing ( see notes ) actually help freemium business model.

With successful freemium business models built heavily on Fear Of Missing Out, freemium games seem to be moving away from fun, moving away from being a job and moving towards being a gilded cage that tries to beat other freemium games not by being more fun, easier to play, or a great group activity but by being a cage that locks the player’s life up.

A cage that encourages them to draw in their family, and friends, because the cage has become the player’s ONLY "leisure" activity. And thus the only thing they CAN have in common with their social circle. Like an exhausted, distressed swimmer caught in a merciless riptide they do not understand, and dragging down other novice swimmers who try to help, with no professional lifeguard in sight.
