Different Mana-Lvl defense

Hi there,

i am not finding out how defense works, when you have heroes with different Mana-Levels. For example Myoin-Ni, Kushanku, Becky. Sometimes they start skills after 1x, sometimes they wait up to 3x Lvl.

Does anybody know how that works? They are very strong but it feels like loosing everything because it doesn‘t make sence what they are doing…

Hope you understand what i am trying to ask, my english isnt that well… :crying_cat_face:

It’s somewhat random with increased likelihood of immediate use when low health. Here is one relevant thread but there are more.

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Thx a lot, means, sometimes it works, sometimes not… :lol:

Would you create a team with theese heroes at my place?

Would be great if a had the possibility to test my own defense and wont have to ask a member of my alliance all the time

Well myoin-ni is a top tier hero so yes. Others I don’t have as strong a feeling for. Always depends on alt options.

My actual war defense

Charge heroes on defense are usually not very good, but some exceptions exist. If you want to use a charge hero on defense, make sure all the different charges are have a good value for the mana necessary to charge them, because you don´t know which one will get chosen.
Especially make sure first charge is powerful (because in case of low health it will fire early).
So Milena or the classic Ninjas are not very good def heroes. But Granny or Serandite can be very strong.

Also make sure to place them higher up in your def, not hidden on a wing. If they decide to use charge 3 they will sit on the wing doing nothing at all until the fight is over.

Thx, the last point is very helpful. The war itself was successful but maybe would be even better if i place the heroes in a better way. Time will make clear what would be a good way.

Still hope for Ludwig but you know, its a long way…(to the top, if you wanna… :smile: )