Did the new version 16 change the form of bonus for Titan?

Tita Raro Tigre 9 * Mystic Rings

the first and second placed in scoring won the rings (of 30 players)

Can it be coincidence, but 1 and 2 place?

Did the new version 16 change the form of bonus for Titan? :thinking:

I dont think, my wife was in first place A+ ca. 300k 11* purple and got crap.

Have not been on this position, but wondered if when titan spawned made a difference?

Shhhh mate … this is gold.
You don’t shout about gold.
Take and keep silnce :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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No. They just have been lucky

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Agree, that’s just a nice coincidence :blush:

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Try not to read too much into a sample size of 1.

Our alliance just killed a 10* rooster and there were zero reported Tonics. My $ is on it not having changed.

That was sheer luck. I regularly get A+ or A grade, yet I haven’t received anything decent since the beginning of October.

Never been A+, but regularly at A. Never thought much good or bad about the loot received. Figure that any is better than nothing!