Did I make emblem mistakes or not?

In first post OP said she usually just goes all right.

Later she said in Wilbur’s case she went all left.

If that is true then she’s all good. If she did go all right with Wilbur I would recommend resetting – but first make sure she has a LOT of ham and iron available.

The only hero I have reset was Marjana because I didn’t pay attention to the path and made her too defensive – I prefer attack for snipers. But after resetting it took me a few days to re-emblem her and that was just to +9 at the time.

I made an error there. I have the emblems on the right. Sorry. I need my iron and ham for other things then resetting Wilbur at the moment.

Ah, ok. As I said I’d recommend a reset but there’s no rush to get it done. He is still more powerful emblemed than unemblemed no matter what route.

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