Device memory!

Thanks and will do :kissing_heart:

I found this app, it does a cleaning of your phone, find ghost files and empty folders that are useless and take the memory for nothing. I just tried it, it is good.

SD Maid System cleaning tool

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Will try it and hope for the good. Thanks my friend.

I do not have room on my internal memory to download link2sd, to move programs to my sd. my sd card is listed as internal memory but very few programs want to use it. has anyone had luck moving E&P? it appears the game dev did not design the game to be able to use an sd card.

I move E&P to Sd card always using File Manager.apk (app)
But it has stay file on internal. Problem is when there is UPDATE … game moves it self (Full Size) to internal memory which is a problem cause no that much space to move a 600 game to internal. Update it self wont be a problem if the game could run the update from SD.
Devs should remove the abilities of moving and modifing SD memory from the game this will help.

thanks. been reading up on moving programs to sd from internal and it seems it is up to app developer if the app will run on sd or not. some app’s will not work if moved to sd card even if it is designated as internal storage. i have limited internal storage and having E&P on the sd card would allow it to run a lot better

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