Determine Best Raid Defense Team Placement (Suggestions Welcome)

So it is time to check my defense team again… So here is an updated table with several different arraignments:

LC LF Tank RF RC Cups ΔCups #_Att Win % C/A (All) C/A (-)
A D GM Z S 2582 -290 45.3 57% -7.10 -40.54
A D Z GM S 2557 -191 21.0 49% -10.62 -40.05
A Z D GM S 2607 -294 37.0 53% -9.27 -40.32
A Z Ar DM D 2594 -87 12.7 56% -4.69 -32.78
Table Abbreviations

LC – Hero placed in the defense team in the left corner (RC is right corner)
LF – Hero placed on the between the left corner and the tank (RF is right of the tank)
Tank - Center hero

Cups – The average of the cups I had in the morning (around 8:00 am) for three days for the listed defense team.
ΔCups – The cumulative change in cups for all the attacks on my base for 24 hours (averaged for three days).
#_Att – The number of times my base got attacked in 24 hours (averaged for three days).
Win % - The number of wins / number of total attacks for my defense team as a percent in 24 hours averaged over three days.
C/A (all) – The average cups lost for all attacks for my base in 24 hours averaged over three days.
C/A (-) – The average cups lost for attacks that my defense team lost in 24 hours averaged over three days.

A = Alasie
D = Delilah
GM = Gravemaker
Z = Zeline
S = Sartana
Ar = Areon (the data for the Areon tank is from my buddies team as mine is stuck at 70… his troops troops are level ~18 and mine are ~12)

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