Defense team - which order is better

Is this a good defense team? Which order makes it better?

Alberich Alasie Ares Horghall Gravemaker


Alberich Gravemaker Horghall Ares Alasie

I also have Khonia, Isarnia, Gregorion, Tarlak and Joon. Will I be able to make a better team out of them?

I’d go with alberich, Isarnia, gravemaker, alasie, Joon in that order

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@SWEG Thanks. Will try that out.

I have a similar question. I’m working to level my first 5 * team and I thought as defence: Delilah - Magni - Alberich - Khagan (or Azlar) Sartana (or Joon)
And: Delilah ( or Joon)- Magni ( or Alasie) - Alberich - Gravemaker - Sartana ( or Lianna) for the attack …With Zelina and Isarnia in the mix. But the last month brought me Marjana and Ares and now I do not know who to choose, especially among the reds. *Which heroes to support Ares x the best defense team 5 ?!?
I have all the regular heroes and HotM since September 2017 except Khiona. I have many heroes event but not Guinevere, Panther and Red Hood. I have 4/70 most of the 3 * and 4 * and I’m working on: Hansel, Gretel, Triton, Proteus, Gafar, Lancelot, Peters and Falcon.
Please help me to choose.
I play every aspect of the game but for my alliance titan are most important.

P.s. Sorry for my bad english :sweat_smile: