Defense or no defense

Ok, i Just got a Domitia and i was thinking for defense to go with something like:


My other 5s are

Red: grazul, Azlar, gkong
Purple: Grimble
Blue: richard, isarnia
Yellow: neith justice
Green: tarlak, lianna

Thanks ahead and cheers i got a decent purple ^_-

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Domitia is a reasonable utility sniper, but if everyone on your list is maxxed, you have far better tanks including Richard, justice and onatel

You have plenty of heroes, so don’t force Dom into your defence. I’d probably have her at left flank if necessary.

If she is your only maxxed 5* then she is not the worst tank but probably bottom third.

Possible teams off the top of my head

Alby Dom Richard Graz Posideon

Alby Dom justice/onatel Azlar Liana/Kingston


If running purple tanks in war, i would choose grimble over dom personally

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Update i just got Marjana…how does she fit into the defense?


Is the one above a good defense?

Onatel, Poseidon?

I thought of onatel since poseidon and kingston share emblems

Stick with Onatel, shes a beast! in isolation whatever… Play your game nukkah! alby/Large Marj/Onatel, Richard/Kingston is how I would try to go to battle and see how it plays out! Disclaimer: I have a thing for Onatel!

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So we share a fetish :rofl: