Defeat Season III Missions

An ovierview of the enemies and bosses in Season 3 to achieve the missions.
Numbers in red are for the special level missions.

Colored cells mean, that you will find two different enemies needed for a quest.


I always marvel at players who generously take time and effort to make resources that benefit the community of players. Thank you :smile:


Great on red, I do not have finish the special stage, and I didn’t mention if Dark Elf is in 15-4 and 15-6, thank you. And after seeing Barry’s Data, 15-4 is best if we want both (Dark Elf and Svartalfheim)

Suggestion, one more for best, like example Dark Elf the best is 13-3, so make it different color. So that after King Serpent finish, we can finally farm 13-3.

I colored the cells where you can find at least an enemy and a boss. The red ones are special levels.
Until now I finished serpent and special levels.
I farmed serpent in 13-8 because there are two of them and there are also elfs.
For specials I farmed 15-4 because it is the lowest special level with elfs.
For elfs only I farm 13-3, because it is again the lowest level with elfs and you can farm 7 elfs there. You will find 7 elfs in 13-7 and 13-8 as well.

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You are welcome!

20 characters.


Yes correct…
First: 13-8 to finish Serpant
2nd: 15-4 to finish Special stages Svartalfheim
3rd: 13-3 to finish the rest of Elf

I’m currently Serpant is finished, and now doing 13-3, but I’m wrong, now I switch to 15-4, so that I also can progress Special stages Svartalfheim before the Elf is finished.

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Update in post #1 (including stage 18)

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Update 20.08.2020 until stage 21

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thanks for doing this! It’s very visually pleasing and easy to read. Bookmarked!

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Update 26.9. including stage 24



We need a new update. I see avatars beyond these.

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Can you tell me which enemy is next, after the Goos of Dread? I finished all levels already, but still need 500 Goos to start and see the next S3 enemy mission.

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@Mal, @lavan,…

Here it is…

:trident: Missions – Season 3 (Valhalla)


Updated 8. November 2020

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Ahhh… it sucks when the Lava Bomblets and the Firebeetles don’t have a common stage in Valhalla.

At least not yet, we’ll see if province 28 has some stages with both soon. My plan is to focus focusing on the bomblets until I get to ~1400, then will switch to the beetles to 175. Afterward, if there is more time (unlikely) I’ll keep an 8:1 ratio until 28 opens.

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Any particular reason you have 21-7 as your fave farming level for Sprites? I was using 18-2 over 21-7 for masks and sprites because in an extremely limited number of runs I was getting more masks on 18-2 and it cost one flag less. I’ve now finished masks but still have Sprites so I can or several levels so curious why you picked the one you did as your favorite to farm.

No, I think I got many masks there, when I played it. I will mark 18-2 as well, due the lower WE. I don’t remember, if there is any level, where you can get 2 sprites?

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Is this a new S3 mission avatar?

Yes,I think so, but I am still at Firebeetles.

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