December 2021 Balance Update — Discussion

Toxicandra and Dark Lord need to be adjusted. She’s too fast and she shouldn’t give that much health. Compared to Grazul, Toxicandra is a Goddess. Dark Lord is just too strong. 475 is enough for him.


Glad to see rare and epic heroes get some buffs!
most were requested to buffed from the beta days!

as for the legendary, dark lord is too much.
the others mostly needed buffs so they are welcome (more older heroes need some buffs too, especiallysome s1).

Please look into the other weak family bonuss to buff also (s2, s3, all challenge festival event families and magic tower family). And give S1 heroes a family bonus. they are left out.


Ok. I’ll share my thoughts. I got emotional. Angry! Let’s be honest, it’s ridiculous to name something “balance changes”, when it’s nothing to do with balance! Not even close. Let’s call them “changes” or “imbalance changes”. That would fit, but not “balance changes”.
It’s unfortunate and really, reaaally demoralizing, frustrating, what’s more, infuriating that you pulled once or twice X, Y pulls. You got some heroes, maybe you even maxed some of them, but few months later you use them as feeders, since they can’t be used in any real circumstances. You put time, energy in them, but then you say “let’s be real, they can’t be used, I’ll sacrifice them, I need the room”.
Again few months later, you get a “balance change” in such a way that those heroes in power are practically twice as strong as they were before. Are you real? Isn’t it a shame? Don’t you feel ashamed? Certainly not, it was a rhetorical question.
From 185% to 3 enemies → 280% to 5 enemies? 555% versus 1400% damage. That’s almost a triple multiplier!
Give me back my Ingolf & Sanngrior! Or wait… I can pull for them again, right? Despite the fact I already had them when they were totally useless and I needed the space.

And one interesting thought at the end. Just because you call something somehow like “balance changes”, it won’t miraculously be real balance changes, but rather fraud. And since it’s so crystal clear, my absolutely honest advice, don’t call them “balance changes” anymore. Because it’s not!
Call them “hero changes”, you won’t be lying and problem solved at the same time!


Well, they did that with Telluria and Vela, just opposite. :frowning:


in short… the portal is not making a profit


“Balance updates” are the reason why I don’t feed my last copy of a hero.

Except for 2 heroes who I always feed:

Prisca and Graymane


So after “balancing”, Toxicandra basically kicks sand in Ariel’s face (which is saying something).

Looking forward to new hero soon who overheals 30% at very fast, while cleansing including “uncleansable” ailments :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m happy for my Asterius, he will be really strong now. Also I have Toxicandra on alt account. I think now she will be the best healer in the game with fast speed and mana boost.


Do you guys all realize that they Buff this without any Beta things because… Next month Challenge event is “Villain”…

SG : Spend more money next month!!!

Probably next month we will see Slayer got buffed too if the February Challenge Event is “Slayer”


I’m happy for Sanngrior.

But I am most happy for Ingolf. I’ve maxed him and used him. And will use him even more now.


As always, we will closely monitor live metrics following the update to evaluate the necessity of further adjustments.

The live metrics here is probably how much is spent in the portal.


expected and sad in same time… :persevere:

Here’s my credit card, where can I pull this?

It’s great!
I am happy because I have Isrod! Congratulations to everyone who has the heroes of this family!

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Is there something I don’t understand? As far as I remember, the damage from Ingolf’s Corrosive Poison damage was always 50. The rebalancing description says that it has been increased to 50. A typo?
With the family bonus, too, in my opinion, confusion.
@Petri please check it out.

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It’$ $o tran$parent why $G i$ doing thi$…


100% just became one of the strongest families and with an amazing family bonus on top… the 4* have all now become game changers!!! The 3* Were already my fav :joy: and my Tox is now the best offensive 5* healer

Yes, it was 50.

Based on February’s post of @Guvnor :


That’s why I’m wondering if there was a buff))))


Call things what they really are. This is not a balance update, this is a “villains will be the next event so we want to sell more update”.

Dark Lord buff is ridiculous. Also Toxicandras and Cristalis.

Won’t even waste time to tell you this is ridiculous because it’s pretty clear.

The epics and rares were weak indeed but oh come on. So many heroes from various portals needing adjustment and all you do is insanely buffs on one group of heroes.

Good work on game balance, greedy heads :clap: