πŸ”΅ [Dec 29, 2019] Trials of Justice Teams – Share Yours & Discuss!

Most valuable combo

Third turn, lucky combo with enemy share damage link, enemy blue defense debuff, enemy defense debuff, ally mega attack buff, ally normal attack buff and a 4 color team almost killed the triple bosses before front bosses Joon and Richard could even fill their mana bar the 1st time.

No items needed, but that is really the huge combo plus buffs plus debuffs.

Most Valuable Costume

monk Boldtusk 4*+c18 star of the show. Will probably chase Kiril costume.

Current team

Frida 5* 4.80 ( very lucky. nice dispeller and blue defense debuff for bosses paladin talent. looking at you 1 target Hunter’s Caltrops )

Cyprian 4* 4.42 ( I am still leveling. 2+ years to get due to merciless RNG )

monk Boldtusk 4*+c18 ( I love his upgraded heal, replaced special heal Aegir )

Wu Kong 4*+18 ( King of the combo. see above )

Wilbur 4*+1 ( would gladly convert other emblems to monk if 1:1 plus ingredients)

Reset emblem

Does not return iron/ food, but other players value them.