Dear SG, this is the game you created

But there’s not a sign on the coffee shop door saying you have a 1% chance to get a better coffee than the other coffee choices. And you still have a 100% certainty of getting a cup of coffee, just not the one you want.

So sure if there isn’t a sign up saying that, i would be irritated

But to go into a video game that states the odds are against you and then act completely blindsided when you dont get the hero you had a .01% whatever chance of getting is pretty childish

If i go to a slot machine in a casino, and spend 500 bucks and dont win. You think the casino manager will care that I’m dumbfounded at how it’s possible i didnt win?

No. He’ll wave, say have a nice day, see ya next pay period


I think some of you might be new to mobile gaming, because E&P is just a drop in the bucket of gacha games who make you pay for bad odds of return. It’s not a new concept, to the point that the two major places to get games (Apple and Google) make games display the odds of return on investment.

Any adult who doesn’t read the fine print, or goes overboard, only has themselves to blame. SG isn’t here to hold your hand, baby you through the game, or give you things to make you happy. They aren’t forcing you to pay to play, as I can point out several high level players who are F2P, and instead of buying their way to success they figured out more efficient ways of playing. Does it get frustrating? Yes, but the only person to blame is the person knowingly playing a game with horrible odds of return and getting their Hope’s up of getting something “extra”. I’ve been there before, but like @Rigs said, you gotta just take the L and move on.

It’s like going to a casino, if you expect to beat the house you’ll leave disappointed. At least here you get camaraderie, stress relief, and something you CAN do for free.


Sorry to hear that about the game, I am from Serbia so I can not afford to pay for gaming but I still can collect diamonds, for two months of playing I got two 5* heroes, the first I’ve got was Magni and the second is Mantra. My opinion is that we don’t need to spend money on games, just play them for fun and if you really want to buy something then pay some smaller amounts or the VIP for 7 days or a month and collect diamonds and other things that VIP is gives you not 500 bucks, it’s a monthly work payout here if the job is well payed. Unfortunately but true.
Best regards to everyone and good luck with SG :hugs:


we already have people whining and some quitting over the scarcity of ascension items. with more heroes that would be even worse. people would say they just spent 500 bucks to get a new hero, but cant fully ascend him now. the whine is never ending!


The odds have nothing to do with what realy happens. Let me explain: the odds for epic 4* troops is 10%, right? That means in a row of 10 pulls one must be a 4*!!! But that didn’t happens at all. Is just a number and that’s all! Now, spending 500$ and no 5* is crap but i agree with you that was her choice! I wouldn’t make such spending… anyway RNG system is not ok… is too evasive.

If you dont like the system, don’t use it

It’s really not that hard

I don’t like scratch off tickets

So i dont buy them

Not going to bother explaining probabilities by the way but will say 10% chance doesn’t mean every 1 out of 10 is a winner. You have 10% on each roll. Not 10% per 10 rolls. Which means every roll you have 90% chance of disappointment… How is that a surprise when it happens?


If we’re talking about problems with impulse-control, then I don’t think simply upping the odds over pulls is going to be much help at all. I wonder if it would even change much in the way of spending habits,

There will still be those that get lucky.
There will be those that spend $500 and get one sure thing.
There will be those that get the one thing, and keep spending to get another thing because that’s what they like doing.

Lastly, if someone can willingly spend $500 and get nothing, it’s because we’ve all enabled that system, including them. We don’t give SG any incentive to change it.

Edit: for clarity I don’t think a pity timer would make spending less addictive. more fair, perhaps but a lot of people would likely be encouraged to keep spending to trigger the pity timer.


You can put it how you want but the system is made just for bring money in SG pockets… so who want spend such amount of money for heroes must know that is a risk don’t get anything valuable​:grimacing::grimacing::grimacing::grimacing:cheers!

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And SG has the power to ignore that, too.

Small Giants has been implementing this business style since day 1. So far, a lot of players have quit. But still, this game is getting a wide expansion of player base more than ever before. Even veteran prominent players have returned to the game. Something must have worked for SG. And it ain’t the one you are suggesting.

SG doesn’t care. I don’t care much either. All I want is to play this game until it shuts down or my fingers are all cut off. Hey, Season 3!! I can’t wait for you.


We can start a thread in the Ideas and Features section titled: Incorporate Bad Luck Protection!!

I agree that after spending more and more $$$ You should be rewarded. Do not give me that bullcrap of “if you read the odds” and still pull, it’s your choice. That’s garbage. Bad luck DOES happen and the bottom line is this is not Vegas. They lose NOTHING by incorporating Bad luck protection. in fact, they would GAIN more respect and money from people.

I would rather take a risk with my money, if I know that there is light at the end of the tunnel, similar to the ascension chest in Atlantis. Eventually those pulls are rewarded.

Incorporate BAD LUCK PROTECTION by increasing the odds after each pull. Eventually, after enough pulls, you are rewarded. If you pull a 5* it starts over at 0. Simple enough, easy to do, and rewarding to the players and SGG alike.


Unfortunately, no. Odds of 10% definitely does NOT mean you are guaranteed one 4* troop in 10 draws. Basic probability

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Sorry @rigs… hadn’t noticed you had made the same point

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That’s a good point, I think that would lead to more serious problems. Now people probably stop spending after some big disappointments. With an increased chance for more money in, I think, many will be more tempted to spend more - and even more than they could afford. “uhh maybe this time I crossed the line and get that shiny Alby, just 2 more 10-pulls, then my odds should be so good”…


This is so stupid… how can player always complain about something they know. It’s not SSG fault if you spent 500$ for nothing. Don’t complain about “how SGG keeps the money going if you know the odds”, complain about more importent stuff like the new Alchylab that will cost you gems and up to 14h wait time…
Complain about a TC20 that should pop new heroes, maybe some of the old HOTM… complain about stuff like this but stop complaining about money you spent and notice with level 40+ how bad the outcome can be.


When reading this I really can recommend to use playstore or apple store pre-paid cards and no billing over your phone invoice or CC.
It hurts more to pay 100 bugs at a real store then just to press a darn virtual button on your phone.


Great advice. Thats exactly what I do.
Use App Store credit, and don’t have a credit/debit payment card linked to account.
Puts a great physical barrier in when you have to go out and buy App Store cards (especially when shopping with my wife :rofl: )


no, that is not what it means. odds and must are mutually exclusive terms.


They lose money with that idea

If there was bad luck protection i wouldn’t have pulled for 2+ years to get panther

Wouldn’t have spent over $500 each time gravemaker was out(still don’t have him so yes debit card will be open again next time he’s available, same with ares)

If players got “bad luck protection” or some kind of guarantee hero system with pulls, it would inevitably result in less spending unlike the system now where you have an unlimited streak of bad luck until you get what you want

So sure you can start a movement for some new system, or put your big boy pants on and play the original system responsibly like an adult

It’s in SG’s favor to enable the $500, $1k, $2k, in 1 sitting players. That’s called making money. And that is what SG is here to do.

They didnt start a business for charity purposes.

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Lol yes it is a business

And funny part is that SG has provided ways for players to play for free and play for cheap

Yet people that CHOOSE to spend wads of cash still have the nerve to throw tantrums about their own choices

Sounds like we’re on the same page don

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Whatever it takes to spend responsibly

I just can’t believe a video game has to have threads with lessons on financial responsibility/management

If i was at a bar with no clue this game existed and someone told me these discussions revolving around a video game were happening where adults had to be told how to handle their own money, I’d probly spit my beer