Dear professionals, could you please give me an advice about my defense team?

Dear professionals, could you please give me an advice about my defense team?
I’ve got tiburtus 4.70 colem 4.70 kiril 4.70 cadimonster 3.60 and liu xiu 3.60.

I’m handling pretty well while attacking but when I out of my phone score are going really down :frowning:

I have some good heroes that helps a lot but I would like to have an second opinion.

I also have;
Kadilen 4.70 khagan 4.70 Quintus 2.60 Guardian jackal 4.60 wu-kong 4.60 boril 4.60 kasherek 4.60
Grim 4.60 Domitia 2.60 scarlet 4.60 melendor 4.60 rigard 4.60 sumitomo 4.60 and
Atomos 2.60.

Please if u guys have chance take a look on my line up and give me light in this dark world.

Appreciate, cheers