DC Titan Slayers Seeks 6 Or Small Merge

Through a perfect storm of events, we’ve lost/removed 6 players within a very short time frame. We are looking to fill those spots through recruitment or by having a small alliance merge with us.

Our alliance has 24 right now with a strong core of players. We are family friendly and encourage our players to have the Line App, but isn’t required. We use green tanks for war. We put out a poll on occasion to see which tank works best for the alliance as a whole and shift from there. We have a 2000 trophy requirement, but we’re willing to lower that for a merge. From there it’s the same old song and dance I’m sure most of you know. We don’t require participation in war, but require all 6 flags used if opted in and hitting the Titan daily is a must.

If you’re interested, just hit us up in game or you can contact me on line at Lord_Superman.

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Recruited one. 5 or small alliance merge

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