Data Collection: Raid Matching

Updated based on data collected so far…

Trophy Difference Stats
Mean 41.87960123
Standard Error 4.196962471
Median 63
Mode 13
Standard Deviation 151.5562607
Sample Variance 22969.30015
Kurtosis -0.915279336
Skewness -0.375247583
Range 559
Minimum -280
Maximum 279
Sum 54611
Count 1304
Confidence Level(95.0%) 8.233543354

Trophy Difference Distribution…

Correlation between Trophies and Defense Team Power…

There is a bit of a gap in the data from around 2400-2600 trophies. I’m on the wrong side of the ascension wall so I’m not likely to draw much data in that range for a while yet. Maybe we can get Brobb to drop some cups to get some data there… what if we offer her a giant bag full of prepositions to end sentences with?