TL;DR - Data collected from over 500 chests as of March 23, 2018. Data set clearly indicates A higher CHANCE at better loot from completing boss levels to fill elemental chests but RNG is still at play. The difficulty/level of the boss stage doesn’t matter.
I will provide additional data soon to back up these claims but have not had the time because we are PCSing (military move) IRL.
Since i cannot find a post that outlines the improved loot from filling elemental chests with the same color boss levels, I thought I would put one together with information of where to fill elemental chests and my own data that I have collected to support it.
The Premise is simple : If you get an elemental chest, fill the chest with the same color monsters as the chest on a boss level that you can complete. What is a boss level ? A boss level is any level (1-3 per province) that has the larger icon / crossed swords over the stage. What proof do you have that the loot is better? None, other than the sample that I have collected which is around 150 elemental chests which I believe is still a pretty small sample.
Boss levels to fill chests by color (high to low):
Red: 20-7, 20-4, 19-6, 19-4, 1-5
Yellow: 10-6, 9-7, 9-4
Green: 18-7, 18-5, 17-5, 7-5, 6-6, 6-3, 2-6
Blue: 14-5, 13-8, 13-5
Purple: 23-6, 23-3, 22-7, 22-4, 21-7, 21-5, 16-7, 16-4, 15-7, 15-4, 12-5, 11-7, 11-4, 8-4, 5-5, 4-3, 3-4
Note for purple: 23-11 is the highest boss level to complete the elemental chest but not worth it as far as energy and difficulty level.
You want to fill your elemental chest with the same color boss level monsters.
A normal elemental chest will contain (12 slots total) - 2 base slots ( food and iron), 1 slot for an ingredient, 2 slots for ascension materials, 1 slot for a battle item, 3 slots for summon tokens, 1 slot for a flask, 1 slot for a trainer hero. From what i have noticed there is a modifier that goes into the chest per boss level monster defeated that gives a higher chance per piece of loot for that specific item to be a higher tier roll. Since it is still a roll based loot system than the random chance can always occur but I believe based on my sample size that there is an increased roll chance from filling the elemental chest in this way. I have also noticed that the chest has a low chance to roll nothing/ 0* in any given category other than the base slots.
If you want to fill your elemental chest in this manner then post what you get from opening it then I can expand upon my data and maybe figure out the exact percentage chance that each boss level monster adds to each piece of loot etc. Line id eddardofwinterfell.
Looking forward to figuring out the RNG!
Research so far 152 samples total:
slot 1 - food
slot 2 - iron
slot 3 - crafting ingredients - (72) 4*, (57) 3*, (11) 2*, (0) 1*, (11) 0*
slot 4 - ascension materials - (57) 4*, (49) 3*, (25) 2*, (21) 1*, (0) 0*
slot 5 - ascension materials - (58) 4*, (63) 3*, (19) 2*, (12) 1*, (0) 0*
slot 6 - battle item - chose not to display because the value of items seemed irrelevant
slot 7 - summon token - (68) epic hero, (53) epic troop, (31) “normal” summon, (0) 0
slot 8 - summon token - (45) Epic hero, (47) epic troop, (33) “normal” summon, (27) 0
slot 9 - summon token - (54) Epic hero, (58) Epic Troop, (37) “normal” summon, (3) 0
slot 10 - gems - data not collected / seemed unaffected
slot 11 - flask - (47) world energy, (42) Raid, (36) Alliance, (27) 0
slot 12 - trainer hero - (37) 2*, (61) 1*, (24) 0*
I would like to think that this strategy is more than just RNG but this is what I have and it points towards Elemental chests having better loot if filled with same color boss levels.