DarkMoon is recruiting 2 hitters - #seriousfun with #seriousplayers

Hey all. I am the leader of DarkMoon.

We are a Top100 alliance when full and we’ve had numerous World#1 players including:

and many many top10 worldwide players and regional players. We are truly global English speaking alliance with people from all over the US, UK, and Australia/Pacific Basin.

If you’re tired of playing with mediocrity and people who don’t have the drive to be a top alliance (or the discipline to do what’s needed to get there), then DarkMoon is for you.

We are actively recruiting two heavy hitters to join our team after a couple have taken a sideline due to life demands.

We hit 11s and 12s … currently on 11s with 28. We always use every flag in war and have won 7 of the last 10.

Reach out to me in LINE … LineID: tonapah … or just jump in game and join.

You’d need at least 3900 war team (4k preferred) and 6 full teams to use in war.

You probably know us … so now you can join us. :slight_smile: Come on in for some #seriousfun with #seriouspros

currently killing a rare 11*… stop in