πŸ“— Dagr – 5* Nature / Green from Untold Tales 2

Saved enough to do a 30 pull


That’s some great luck! Congrats! Meanwhile I made 60 pulls and got nada lol

Edit: Make that 70 pulls and nada

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Haha. Ya. That’s obvious.

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Same same Small country :joy:.


Hehehehe. Only the SGeans knows. Happy Lunar New Year! Huat ah!

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Happy Lunar New Year! Jurong kia here :laughing:
I did 80 pulls for this guy, failed but got 2 dupe Andvari’s.

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Saving my tokens… cos am at 100/100 now. Waiting for the next fated summons refresh first. If not very rugi.

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You guys lost me! Happy new year to you, though! :rofl: :rofl:

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What do you think about Dagr and Gwynn in one team?

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Did you test, do they exclude each other burnings/ poison or do they work together beacuse of corrosive component?

Not yet, but I will max him and make a video in time.

They override eachother

Oh then it makes no sense bringing them together.

Not necessarily.

They both bypass minions, and if you wait until the DOT from one clears, you can then hit them with the other for a repeat

Yes in offense it is as you say but in defense it makes no sense.

Ill agree with that.