D team: who to ascend (thanks for any help)

Here is what I’m working with


I am waiting on one more telescope from frostmarch and a couple blades for Mariana and then I’m anticipting using this team in the near future

Further down the line…I’m thinkjng about what green to ascend. I started on kadilen. That kind of leads me to my biggest question. Who should tank? I only have 3 tonics but horghall is an obvious choice. The other option is kunchen. If I do that I think elkanen might work really well as a corner sniper something like elk-Magni-kunch-khiona-Mariana. Is the double purple gonna work well for me there?

TL/DR I’m really up in the air regarding my long term plans and it’s making it tough to decide which green to develop. Any insight appreciated. Tia