Costumes chamber, show us your pulls?!

Could you confirm what tier 3 Costume bonus is for a 4* too?


And in the next episode of Marvel verses SG… :slight_smile:

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YES! Bootleg Kunchen ;). Not even featured

Me explaining that’s exactly the costume I want right before pulling it :smile:


10 pulls , only 3☆ :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

F2P, so I’ve had a grand total of 4 costume pulls so far (including before the hiatus) and THREE of my four have been Bane. So yeah… Bane, Bane, Bane, and Brienne. Thanks SG.

Last time in my alt I got Gunnar this time rigard and li xiu. Nice since I didnt have any of the three healers but do have kiril and BT. Still havent pulled my 3 free in main acct. Would love viv or melendor or rigard but thinking about keeping keys maybe next costumes are great…lol. Having most s1 heroes I only want sartana and marjana so maybe I’ll wait until theyre in chamber so I get her plus costume. Unless tc20 gives them up first. Rather have free Atlantis pulls instead but after beating it coins are hard to get to do 1 pull in AR. Hopefully they address that.

Last month wanted Vivica costume and bam, got her on a single pull while recording my attempt of the final stage. This month, I was going to save all my keys for next month but couldn’t resist doing 2, and got Hawkmoon and Tyrum dupes. Thought more about how amazing the featured Lianna costume is due to 5% mana bonus + stat boosts and thought, what the hell, I’ll do one more…


I had only one TC20 hero that i still missed and only one that i really don’t care about, costumed or not.
Of course it is the only one i got.

Just why Horghall?


For what it’s worth, main discussion and summons thread here for Feb 2020 costume Chamber:


I pulled Bane 3x , but did learn that you can use the duplicate costume to level a costume very quickly. I didn’t see the need to keep more than one Bane.

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In one acct i pulled tyrum and “the dirty hippie”. While in another i got Lianna

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