ℹ Costumed Rumpelstiltskin – 5* Ice / Blue from Fables of Grimforest

I love my pengi… But i love lolo more… And he’s not even limit broken.

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Well that’s my first try with rumpel in my def, maybe i’ll try him in the front as well, but right now i want to see how my def works with this lineup and than compare it with a lineup were i put him in the front

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Man does it feel good when you have finalized all the levelling of a new hero. We run blue tanks so will be trying him out in tomorrows war.

I am thinking his stats look pretty good! We’ll see how he fairs at tank


Lookking forward to hearing of the outcome! I want to bring him to the front of the blue queue ahead of all my other 5*'s waiting (and gathering dust…) but I’ll never say no to even more justification!

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So how is he performing in defense? Trying to decide who gets the scopes… him or Aino

I feel like i have so many ice healers that did what aino does as a healer… But that is my roster… So yours may welcome her.

I have Raffaele and Alex, both do great especially Raffele he is a beast and very underrated

I think he is behaving quite mediocre like most of the blue tanks that exist out there! I have used him in a few wars and have won each one of my fights with him on my team running 2-2-1. With Milena as my second quasi healer.

Talent ?

And now talent how? Def/hp or hp/def?

I’d lean defense over health.

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I have only fought this guy once but it was actually quite worrisome. I wanted to kill him badly because you never know what he’ll do. I won, and killed him after he went off only once, but it was definitely awkward on offense because I was terrified of that 54% mana gen reduction. Get that on you and you’re pretty much toast. When I finish leveling Aino, he’s next in line as I have him too.

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this guy is amazing, both in offense, stages, towers and defense. If he shoots, no matter which special, the opposing team gets a huge headache.


Picked up Ariel from Fated Summon (i.e. the Loser Portal) and I’m thinking C Rumple will make a good combo with her in a 3-2 team. I’m between him and Pengi #2 for the Scopes…hard to turn down double trouble :penguin: :penguin:

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Has anyone tried using double costume rumples?

Better yet, use one Rumple+C bonus and one C. Rumple - you get 6 different abilites :slight_smile:

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lol add in loki for triple random fun :rofl:

i may try it

Loki is great buddy to Rumple, since you can decide, what you need after Rumple casts…
You take away probability factor :slight_smile:

Rumple deals dmg, Loki heals or vice versa!

No… But i have been pairing him with ludwig… He fires off several times… So it is like using two. Max health down… Mana down… Poison mana down… And boosted health… I chose to ascend him over tailgate and honestly… I’m happy with that decision.

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Def HP
Def e Atack
hp bonus


Current Def team is costume Finley, Lotl costume, Ludwig, Kullervo and Ruby. Would it be good to sacrifice Finley with his Def down to gain even more mana control?
Rumpel cuts mana by 54%
Lotl 's minions steal mana
Ludwig gives mana to the team (3-4 specials can be cast every 6 turns)
Kullervo let’s enemies use a full mana bar on themselves
Ruby hard hitter when casts second or third special also steals mana
Just my 2 cents