ℹ Costumed Rumpelstiltskin – 5* Ice / Blue from Fables of Grimforest

Just got him off coin, checked his SS.

He’s going to be invaluable for rush wars and RTs and seems like a anti Alf hero.

Blue freak vs Alfreak!

67% this guy will control mana. The uncleansible -54% mana slow or the 9% mana slow each turn for 4 turns 36% just need to test if effective for rush.

The 3rd option is the overheal but more importantly the immunity buff (everyone should realize how strong this is facing faiez in the 3* RT)

I wasn’t even trying for him but he might be more impactful than c Panther.



just gave him scopes ! I can’t wait to try him out :)))


I had him and very excited to now have his costume
Whoo hoo!


I will say, I can’t wait to hear people’s feedback on the results of using him, because at the moment… Well, unfortunately my list of blues is also my biggest roster at the moment, and based on emblem availability and levelling… cFinley comes first for blues and LotL is getting sorcerer emblems first!

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I pulled him… I’m slowly starting to like him… Slowly.


I pulled him too… Looks amazing!

Eagerly look forward to hear about your experience using him!


let me easily convince you that Lord Loki best buddy is Rumple.


They combine for best comboes!


You take away ‘‘probability’’ factor?


First cast Rumple… you get either HEAL, DMG OR HEAVY MANA DEBUFF. Whatever you got, you then know what you wish to do with Loki (who to target). Go for extra dmg to clean board, go for heal if you was hoping for Rumple heal, or punish even harder enemy with debuffs on top of Rumple debuffs :wink:

// Besides he is one of best tanks in game ! Two specials heavily impaire enemy to generate mana and what they can do otherise… the other one is major HP boost with strongest status ailment immunity in game :slight_smile:


The only one I really want. Because it gives me a reason to max my rumple that I have scoped and just didn’t bother to train anymore for a long time. And I plan to flank them both in rush.


That is true! I maybe made it sound like Rumpel costume is a bad hero - he isn’t.


I just have full blue squad already. Ariel/Zircon is a must. Frida is obvious. Gaillard for the snipe. Master Lepus and Cobalt because they are limit broken. Already no slot for Lord Loki, unless I sacrifice efficiency for fun. Then I have bench of not so bad heroes like Alice, Costume Magni, Vela who successfully build my second mono against red tanks.

Then, I have a queue for scopes. Iris to have blue option against taunters. Crystalis because they keep buffing her (% for synergy in defense with Asterius). Esme because I realized sometimes Gaillard is not enough for fiends. Rumpel is behind Esme. Not very likely to get maxed this year even if I don’t get any new blue. (meanwhile my scopes sit in Aegir and Fenrir and Misandra who weren’t used for ages…)

So, sadly, he just doesn’t fit my hero plan. Even if he isn’t that bad.


He would be my first option though :slight_smile:
Iris is really underrated hero with her dispell over time.

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Any Hero you mention there needs other heros to shine or to maximize their benefit. Rumpel supports everyone of them. Why are you talking about your blue squad? If you go Mono you dont need the greatest heros. Lets talk 3/2 or 4/1. If you combine Rumpel with other ManaControl, MaxHealthReducers or AoE hitter, he will shine in a wide range of situations. This guy ist huge. Especially because of the ManaBonus.

Agreed entirely… I am thinking rumple/ loki with Alexandrine and costume Thorne… All will go off in 9 tiles and my 4th spot can be a kara or hanitra or someone who will help.

Yes. In full health, that health reduction counts as damage because max HP is now reduced.

In heroes without full health, say 1200/1500. Damage is restricted to 215, with HP stats now showing 985/985.

For heroes with health <50%, or low-ish, reducing max HP is a “slow-kill” atttack mode, great for conventional healer heavy teams; reduces ability for defence teams to survive with conventional healing. Not optimal for defence with health boosters.

If defence teams have revivers, revived heroes come back with original max HP. Need to bring hard hitters to finish off quick.

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I’ve had Rumple at 3/70 for a long, long time. Pulled his costume and since I didn’t have any blues to work on, I levelled his costume to 3/70 for fun.

Started using him in raids (my trophies count is at around 1,600, I like to drop so I can experiment with my 3/70 heroes before making a decision to ascend), he’s actually a lot of fun and I’ve made my decision to ascend him. No regrets!

If you’re low on scopes, I would not recommend Rumple.C if you have a better alternative blue hero.
If you have one too many scopes like me, I definitely recommend Rumple.C for fun lol.


Yeah. Me too. Mine was sitting at 3.70 forever.

In comes 2 R. costumes. I take that Zynga/SGG insists that I ascend R., otherwise I won’t get yummier blues to work with. :rofl::joy:

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Good thing about Rumple is , if you have two , you can use both of them since all the abilites compliment each other :

heal + hp boost
dmg + hp reduce
poision+corrosive poison
attack up/deff down+ mana debuff

:slight_smile: Would love to get him, but no tokens to get him :slight_smile:

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Level 2? :scream: that’s a lot of Sorceror emblems. Gotta watch more videos now. :joy::rofl:

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I love using my Rumplestiltskin. Unfortunately my 2 free pulls only got me a lemur and a shrubbear. No lucky Costume for me.

Would love it due to the improvement, but I still enjoy his base version

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I was told by a fellow enthusiast that Rumple does “what is required”. As if it’s coded into his “random options”.

I will find out soon enough.