ℹ Costumed Merlin – 4* Dark/Purple from Knights of Avalon

I have nothing else apart from a s1 C2 project that will get done next week. I will level his costume just for the gems from museum :smile: :laughing:

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As existing as it felt, when i pulled the costume version of my already stagnant original hero that i never let grow and still at 1/1. It is unfortunately still an underwhelming costume version to get. No game changer nor a really different alternative skills to keep 2 copies of him. At least that’s how I feel. Please anyone correct me if I’m wrong.


The art is amazing on him looks cool … :green_heart:

Sadly he ain’t that cool … Devs should of made him cool :cry:

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I guess it depends on your roster because the costume is an upgrade on the original as a hit 3. I use him often enough for mana control. Especially on the CF1 since i don’t have to worry about reflection.

Otherwise he is pretty useful is rush rules since you can fire him in 2 matches and just keep feeding the tank.

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I just pulled this Hero and I noticed or says on his card that the enemy will cast a “mindless attack”. I have another Hero, Bubbles, and her card says “shifting mindless attack” . Is there a different between the two status ailments?

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Mindless attack means a hero will attack a random ally when mana is full.

Shifting mindless attack means a hero will attack a random ally when mana is full AND that hero will also receive mindless attack. So shifting mindless attack is better, as it keeps the mindless attack going.


Ow I get it… Thanks mate🙏

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The game gave me three of this guy in a 5 pull. I guess I should level at least one. Game seems to think I should have it lol

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Do you perhaps know if new heroes will be added to HA8?
It has been quite a while that nothing has been added.

Yes lol. Someone definitely is trying to tell you something ha ha…get to it brother. I got him today too. I will certainly get to mine too eventually. The problem is as soon as i give my mats away i regret it as I’ll pull someone else right after that i wish i had saved them for. It will always be the case in this game right!

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I finished leveling him today and he has done well in some raids and this war. I already had the base form at 75 +20, so the costume went quick and made sense.

I lament how sniper-centric my purple hitters are, so a hit 3 option had a lot of appeal, even if he isn’t a big hitter.
