Costumed Khagan (Toon Costume) - 5* Fire / Red from Season 1

It has changed, used to be 12% mana gen and 51% DU

SG’s quality control is really freaking bad lately.


Regardless this became a very good card. The damage is not adjusted with the same mana gen as the original and all the toon had is 2% lesser defence than the original

These buffs on T khagan had to be a last minute addition. There is no way these buffs are intended

Apparently it was unintended, and rectified to be what it is now:

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Absolutely good and strong hero … Kagan with equal power as Obacan (anime costume) but due to ranger emblems should beat this dark damage dealer… :shark: absolute hunter wich is suited for aliance quests)) even two cards need to summon

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Ok so I leveled him.

He’s insane.


Nice one :upside_down_face: Do you speed him up with a mana support hero?

I had a ton of reds from hero academy 2* fast training and didn’t really feel like taking Rocket from 1-80. I also had trainer heroes from Hero Academy. I run four training camp 2’s and had a ton of unused feeders waiting. I’d say it’s one of maybe 5 or 6 times in around 5 years I’ve actually had the timing line up just right to get it done so I figured why not. I needed a better team for VF wars and he totally fits the bill!!!

and yep yep i put a wizardge troop on him but for VF wars i will use a five star troopin

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I have Khagan Toon now level 90 and the energy is 1159. I want bring him to Max energy 1380

Do I have to level up regular and both customs also to 90 to get the 1380 energy for the Toon? Is here someone knows that?

No. All costumes need to be at 4/80 with a special skill fully leveled. However, limit breaking the costumes is unnecessary for the full costume bonus. The best practice is to only limit break the forms you are going to use.


Ok thanks my friend!