[Master] Costumed heroes should be able to use emblems from their new class

I honestly don’t even see the point of embleming twice the same hero.

At best, and I don’t know how this can be done, I would love an option to ‘rearrange’ emblems in the costume class. In other words I would love for the game to grant virtual emblems along with costumes that you can use any path you want on the costume but only up the node where the original is last emblemed. So if you put +18 emblems to original Sonya on the attack path, you can put up to +18 emblems to costume Sonya on any path you want without using your actual emblems.

I think the simple solution is if once the hero was maxed and it’s time for emblems it pops up a screen asking u which emblems u want to use… Then it locks in the same path for both sides of the hero… If later on u want to switch u reset ur emblems & it asks u again which emblems u want to use… Most people who upgrade a costume are gonna use just the Costumed Hero so they should be able to use the Costume’s Class Emblems… If someone want to use the original hero they’ll just have to deal with the Costume’s Path or reset it & start over…

I’m confused. I thought the costumed hero was essentially emblemed at the same time as the uncostumed hero?

The power of the hero is nearly the same.

Before I start to talk about this problem, I should say that I love the idea of costumes. They make classic heroes viable, and it is obvious that SG put a lot of time and energy to design costumes. It is like they’ve designed a whole new set of cool looking heroes.

But the problem I want to talk about is the costume class. I don’t have good Ranger heroes ready to be emblemed. When I saw Costumed-Rigard is a Ranger, I happily maxed his costume out, but then I realized that I cannot use Ranger emblems on him.

I don’t want to ask to be able to use both Cleric and Ranger emblems on him. All I want to ask is that we should be allowed to choose the talent grid path ourselves.

For instance, I should be allowed to choose between Ranger and Cleric path for my Rigard, and if I use Ranger path, then the game wouldn’t allow me to use Cleric emblems on him. That’s totally fine! But forcing us to use only Cleric emblems on Rigard is not fair. It can be applied to all costumed heroes.

If we cannot use the costume class emblems on our heroes, then what is the whole point of costumes having a different class from the main heroes?

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Totally agree!! I also want to emblem my Richard’s costume (barbarian), and I have to use paladin emblems, I have a Clarissa who’s also paladin class, and I have a lot of barbarian emblems useless for Richard…what a pity!!!

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Imho, players should be able to choose where to put their emblems regarding the two different classes of a costumed hero. Having the freedom of choice to which class of the costumed hero to put your emblems to, can make the game even better.

I was reading through this and don’t know if someone else mentioned it this way. I definitely don’t want to have to cough up two types of emblems per hero. that’s way too difficult.

But what if you emblemed the original hero with that class’s emblems and then when you leveled the costume all the way it would notify you that you have “X” number of nodes in the new class you could apply. The X would correspond to however many nodes you had on the original hero already filled. Then as you continued to emblem the main hero you could switch to the costume to apply a new node(s). This way you would still use the original class emblems like before but would essentially let you choose the def/atk/hlth path on the costume?

I’m not stalking you I swear. Just flipping through.

The way it works currently is the best way for small fish to field two 5* Paladins.
Or any other class they have an affinity for.

I can load up 3 druids because of this.
It’s fun.

I think altering allocations would be something I could abuse.
By dumping my silly barbarian emblems when it suits me (on a hero I will definitely costume or vice versa) and saving the more prized emblems for other heroes.

lol sure sure.
not sure if I’m understanding your response though or maybe not sure if you’re understanding mine.
my suggestion is too keep the current way, but instead of having the costume’s emblem mimic the route of the original hero’s emblems the addition is to let you instead choose the path of the costume’s emblem class. You’re still limited in having to complete the original emblem cost of the main hero just like you would have to do anyway. And you couldn’t add any costume emblem nodes without first adding the original hero’s. This way just gives you a little control over the path of the costume’s nodes without the added cost of another set of class emblems.

and not to make this a long explanation lol but…
I fully level Rigard as a Paladin and then put 10 nodes of Paladin emblems into him.
When I level his costume up all the way I would then have a credit of 10 nodes I can automatically select on his Ranger class under his costume (but I’m choosing which nodes of atk or def). There wouldn’t be any additional cost.
If I add 2 more nodes to the Paladin class, I automatically can select 2 corresponding nodes on the Ranger side under the costume.

Oh. I suppose that would be nice!

But it felt pretty good to plan my path
for the costume:

Got all done and was proud

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lol yeah I’ve had a few in my alliance do that and it never crossed my mind to do that till they said something. But I frequently switch back and forth between costume and non-costumed on a hero so I always focused on the non-costumed emblems.

congrats on the +20 magni! feels so good to get them to the end like that!

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Thank you! I actually hate myself because of it. The whole concept of costumes has pretty much done me in.
And I ponied up anyway. Like a dog…
But yeah thanks…

Emblems definitely have their pros and cons. They seem to essentially make your hero as strong as what the next level would be. So a fully emblemed 4* works like an unemblemed 5*. and a fully emblemed 5* is pretty much a 6*. Since we don’t have 6* though we don’t think along those lines when dealing with them. most of the complaints tend to be around fully emblemed 5*'s being too powerful or tough and not realizing it’s just another level of growth in the game.

Once I started getting more fully emblemed 5*'s the top tier of fighting feels a lot more natural now and easier to compete in.

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It,s not abuse,… Its freedom of choice against a wall of (money?) rules.
The game seems to put so many restrictions that it can afford
to give players the ability to power up a costumed hero with Whatever emblems !

Can you make the emblems usable by the Costume Hero?

Example I have a Cleric Hero but have no emblems, but his costume is Sorceror and I have 1000 emblems which i could use to upgrade.


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Are you saying you want to allow costumed heroes use 2 types of emblems? Or the main card use it’s own and the costume version use another?

I think he may be saying you should be able to select the path/costume you want to use primarily and work it up once. Obviously if you have already emblemed the non costumes hero then you will need to rest and chose the other side! I would do that right now for my Krumpus and take the mana node on the rogue side!

Ok, it wasn’t really 100% clear but I assumed they’re suggesting to be able to use one or the other having it apply to both costume and non-costume versions. I’d like this as well

I think the point is SG already decided when they created costumes this would be

‘a path they didn’t want to go down’ :rofl:

Seriously though, the costume is ‘the costume’ you have the original and emblem it, the costume gives it an ‘alter ego’ aka ‘a super power’ in a different form.

The op has a nice idea but this is just the way it is.

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Doesn’t mean SG can’t change its mind and add this functionality.