ℹ Costumed Guardian Panther – 5* Dark / Purple from Guardians of Teltoc

I’ve read a few of the posts on Costume G.Panther and I’ve decided to weigh in to balance the seemingly majority viewpoint that the card should be nerfed.

Since I’ve returned to the game in February 2022 it does seem that SG has had a policy of releasing OP heroes and then nerfing them as a form of policy. However in C.G. Panther’s case I believe they’ve done an excellent job of restoring this once Meta hero back to relevance in the current Meta.

I can’t count how many requests I’ve seen from players begging for old heroes to be reworked and made more useful and powerful. Why aren’t more players happy with SG’s stellar job of doing just this for Panther?

I’ve owned G.Panther since the card’s release in October of 2017. It was a top tier card then and is still the best in slot vs. Holy Titans for EDD in the current meta but in every other category of play Panther had fallen far behind. A lot of the Panther hate seems to be initiated by Lepus and C.Lepus players who are suffering from a distinct case of Panther envy. Who says Panther can’t be top tier again? Who are these self-appointed, player gate keepers of awesomeness?

Seriously if you don’t like the balance and ecology of SG’s hero universe show your dislike with your play time and dollars and take your business elsewhere. There are so many other gacha games and I’ve played a few extensively. Put your time and money where you are happy. Please spare the rest of us from another epic whinge over your opinion. Fact based rants on clearly poorly tested OP heroes are welcome but in Panther’s case my bet is experienced and skillful players are celebrating and are confident Panther won’t break the game.

While I have my share of complaints regarding the current state of the game on the whole I am greatly enjoying my return to Empires and Puzzles and I believe SG is still providing a top tier product when it comes to an RPG gacha game.

To be absolutely clear, all gacha games arrange their top heroes in a hierarchy which means some heroes must inevitably suck, some will be the best and many will fall somewhere in between. Before you complain do your homework and see if SG’s ecology of heroes is balanced and consistent with the game’s esthetic, lore and mechanics. Costume Guardian Panther is merely resuming her place among the top Heroes of the game. Let’s celebrate SG doing a good job this time and be very happy if you’ve pulled Panther. You are now the proud owner of an “S” tier hero.

All the Best,