Costumed Colen (Secondary Costume) - 4* Fire / Red from Season 1

Excellent, thank you so much :heart_decoration:

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I don’t have emblems or LB on my lvl 80 C Marjana while I do have emblems on my Colen, so he has far better stats and a debuff that lasts 3 turns longer. Him being slow doesn’t matter because you can use consumables. I just don’t see the point in maxing C Marjana any more for titans.

No doubt Colen is solid as you see him on many a top score in events.

C.Marjana is still worth getting emblems onto as that superior wizard talent can dispel buffs before damage is dealt & through normal attack. Can be pretty incredible against taunt.


i just levelled him for events and rush otherwise C.Marjana still outshines him, with class and speed

Pulled him today. I also have c-Marjana… but I can see c2 Colen displacing Falcon (whom I also only got this year) in my 4* event teams !