ℹ Costumed Alasie – 5* Ice/Blue - May 2018 HOTM Costume

This stupid hero needs a nerf. Fast speed 20% mana reduction AND mana slow to 3 heroes? Ridiculous. With Xnolphod as a tank, this stupid R$@#$#$ fires almost instantly and if you don’t get your 9 tiles off the bat you are just done because you are never getting mana again.

Great job again SG releasing OP crap like this.


She’s clearly OP and present in 100% of top teams but rare heroes are immune to nerf. Skip teams that contains her is currently the best way to avoid stress.


She is a fast reliable version of ruby. Perfect for def team.

Flanking xnol, it is one of the mpst annoying defences at the moment

I was just looking around lately and all of a sudden started laughing. So funny SG keeps referring to the same and only thing (data) when changing heroes, but then I wonder… how on earth it’s okay to have 60 cAlasies on 30 people’s defense and data don’t cry out in pain. Caz’ right now that’s the case. Top alliances near or exact number of 60 cAlasies. Joke. :slight_smile: :clown_face:


She is not OP and stop calling for nerf. You are killing this game.If ypu do not like her then rollover.


This is getting ridiculous, nerf,nerf,nerf when will it stop.
Alasie is an excellent hero and always had been, compared to the new releases in the last few months, no where near op


That’s funny I can only count 12 Alasie in the top 100, you see if you wait a little while another hero comes along and she’s gone.

Nope, no problem here right?

She needs to be nerfed.


So you are saying she needs to be nerfed because an alliance you do not appear to be in used a lot of her in one war? This picture provides no context to demonstrate that it is a consistent strategy. It could have also been an experiment.

I look at the need for nerfs from the Telluria perspective:

  • Is she ubiquitous in diamond defenses? Not really. Telluria was on basically every defense. cAlasie simply does not even come close to those numbers.
  • Is she very hard to beat when on defense? In my experience, not so much. I regularly beat her in wars and raids. And my defense with cAlasie regularly gets 1 shot or at most, typically goes down in 2 hits in war. Which is the same as without cAlasie.

Therefore, I am not seeing a need for a nerf. Plus, she has been out long enough for SG to have done so already if the metrics supported it.

As an addendum, I expect the prevalence of cAlasie is largely due to there being no real competition for Fast, hard-hitting blue heroes that hit multiple targets:

  • Finley is inconsistent
  • Morel does not hit that hard
  • cMaster Lepus is really frail and has a downside which is generally going to be frowned upon at high levels of play

The upcoming Tethys should at least offer another viable alternative and I expect will replace some cAlasies on defenses.

How many Xnolphod’s do you see, now if I was going to nerf anyone it definitely would be him

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Omg not Alasie now … go away please stop calling for nerfs play another game lmao


They are two of top 10 alliances so people buys pulls and get her. She was also HOTM and yes they have more then one. If you do not want to spend money that is your choice but then stop complaining about other heroes and stop calling for nerf.

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top tier alliances use the best heroes, let’s nerf them… this doesn’t make sense. There will ALWAYS be best heroes and none of them is overpowered.

very strong =/= overpowered
commonly used =/= overpowered
great utility =/= overpowered

too strong + too fast + no counters = overpowered

Note: i don’t have any of the heroes in that picture except octros


I’m seeing 30 almost identical defenses on this picture, so why do you want specifically c Alasie nerfed and not the remaining heroes? Could it be because you lost against her repeatedly?

Tbh, the only concerning part is that Frigg is on the right wing and not the left one.


Do you see two of any other hero in those defenses?

There’s your problem. One hero shouldn’t be able to shut down an attacking team at fast speed. It’s one thing to do damage, another to take or slow mana, but doing both at fast speed (or even faster with Xnolphod) to three heroes needs addressing.

Here’s the problem with your complaint: when those top teams play each other they already tend to put up 7.2k+ already against each other even with almost totally uniform defenses. If you start nerfing the top defensive heroes, top alliances will pretty much one shot everyone in their wars.

Not saying she has to be nerfed, but:

  1. Everytime sgg said a hero had to be nerfed, they used the following arguments: the use wins too much, the hero is too frequent, the hero is too strong based on their data or the hero just dominates the leaderboards.

Not only C. Alasie matches all those options, but also Xnolphod.

Why they aren’t nerfed is the real question. Are then pricy enough? What are them that make them immune?

Xnolphod even made Ninja Tower’s blessings to be modified because he broke them. An entire event was changed because… One hero.

Why are them immune to the same arguments that nerfed Telluria, Vela, C. Krampus and Ferant?

Again, not asking for a nerf because I’m a buff person. Older heroes need a revisit. But something smells bad and it’s unfair. In fact, we know it’s the G word :crazy_face:

g word


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Using top 10 alliances as examples doesn’t prove anything. I see her here and there in raids between 26-2700. Annoying but not that bad Most rouges are annoying. And why do we care so much about what top 0.1% of players do? I find some of the magic defenses more troublesome but I just reroll!


Not true. Him COMBINED with other key heroes and blessings caused it. It wasn’t solely Xnolphod. But point taken.