ℹ Costumed Alasie – 5* Ice/Blue - May 2018 HOTM Costume

Anyone did LB2 on her? Is she worth it? She is my best blue hero atm. other is Jove but got him to 90 already. Thinking of lb bonecrusher as well

she is more useful than bonecrusher

keep in mind that you’ll need 1 alpha to LB the costume after the 10 used on the original. the good thing is that you don’t have to fully 2LB the original

overall i think she is a very good 2LB options

I 2LB mine with no regrets, I highly recommend it.


Still believe that this quality card needs some buff at mana reduction above…ahem below -10% mana (smth like -20%) and the element link is up to now pretty low with just 5% att/def meaning a 10% all in all. Many old cards have been revamped allready (thank god for that). This lady deserves that too.

The costume’s card is updated with may balance update.


She looks good, Thank you :blush::+1:


Her elemental link buff (5%).deletes the link buff of 2017 family (15%).
Why not add, its a different family 2018. after all.
There are cards that give 20% buff even at very fast speed ( eg. blue opera card)

It does stack or add as you put it. They are different icons therefore near enough always stack. You can see in the screenshot that both are active. :+1:t2:

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Sorry you are right, I got a little confused s as to what you were saying. They are the same icons & buffs from the element link of 2017 & 2018 so depending on which you fire 1st will determine which gets overwritten. If they were different icons they’d stack but both being ice elemental & both being attack & defence buffs means unfortunately they overwrite each other.

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Isn’t the family bonus in the hero card’s base stats ?

no, it gets added after the base stats…
only health bonus is the exception

Pulled her today off a coin. Very happy but she is a touch dated, but as a F2P I am happy. Is she worth 2LB or just 1LB?

  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

Without 2LB she dies to easily imho

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I still use her regularly and she does very well. Fast mana with a mana cut followed by a mana gen ailment, very handy.

She is no longer universally great because so many heroes no resist mana cuts and mana ailments meaning you have to pay attention to the abilities of your opponent.


I have 2 one is LB. I still use her a lot. Shes a diva.