Costume Vent Chamber

Classic costumes

If you look at Beta Beat ( @zephyr1 @PlayForFun @Guvnor we are not worthy ), SGG has always struggled with costumes for Classic heroes

5* HotM

But the intent, from version 0.1 onward, has always been to add spend depth^

Soul Exchange

I never expect Soul Exchange to have all available costumes ( rumored to be several Beta tester suggestions, looking at you Gravemaker ) since live server costumes version 1.0 did not include the base hero

Devs want to have separate Merciless RNG for base hero and costumes, but the odds are so poor, especially for Classic heroes, ( rumored to be a beta tester warning ) it is very frustrating for even Whales

Instead Devs will use costumes in Exchange as an enticement for poorly received base heroes ( looking at you Horghall )


In my personal opinion, Devs are not even close to done mucking around with costumes

Traditionally SGG copy other games, but with costumes they are experimenting with new techniques

Currently new techniques for annoying players but new techniques


Click for notes

Version 0.1+

(🧪 Early Information on Costumes (Formerly Skins) [Part of The Beta Beat v23, v24 & v25])

limited availability 5* costumes

(🧪 Early Information on ROUND 4 Costumes [Part of The Beta Beat v36])

Second HotM attempt

(🧪 Early Information on ROUND 1 of HoTM Costumes (Round 6 of costumes in general) [Part of The Beta Beat v42])