Contest of Elements Terrible for Newer Players

As to the first part, it’s arguable how beneficial it is, because it’s two draws max, as far as we know: so the vast majority of the time, two feeder heroes. (Also, for players with insufficient roster, we’re talking about literally burning twice as many battle items, plus arguably a greater need to do so than for other events.)

As to the second part, it’s more like

  1. I was slow-leveling one hero of each color, to maximize feeding heroes of the right color, and now I sacrifice that exp bonus to get a yellow done faster, and/or
  2. I was working on a 5* hero that would be useful in my defense, much less wars and many other events, but now I push that back to work on a 3* or 4* instead, oh, and for bonus
  3. since the minimum TP (suggested) is 3000 and then jumps to 3300/3600/4000 and up, it’s debatable whether working on a 3* actually helps, and whether investing the emblems, LB will make up the difference (or how much maxing even a 4* will swing the difference for upper levels)