Connection error despite good WIFI

I was kicked out of the game and cannot enter back in, although WIFI is working properly. Tried several times, but get a connection error everytime. :grimacing:
Anyone else having problems at the moment?

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Yeah i got some in my alliance who are having connection issues. Keep getting disconnected

Thanks for confirmation, the issue is still ongoing.
Maybe @Petri could check whatā€™s the problem?! (ok, itā€™s early morning in Helsinki: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:)

Ok, after about 40 minutes it is working again and very likely did not affect all players. Nevertheless, this is very annoying and any information on the problem would be appreciated. :thinking:

Iā€™m still getting it, after a couple of hours, when it was fine earlier.

Iā€™m also getting other weird stuff, like when the new titan appeared, it was a half-dead 1* rare, and I canā€™t do the first level of a quest because I keep getting kicked out of the game.

Yet other stuff is working just fineā€¦ :thinking:

EDIT: Now Iā€™m back on, but my chat wonā€™t load. Still got kicked out on the first level of the Scavenge Resources quest for the third, maybe fourth time, just now.

EDIT: Canā€™t do Season 3 levels now, but chat came back on last time I got kicked (about six times now).

EDIT: Just paid 20 gems to rush a chest, and now canā€™t do the Trials of Shadows that just appeared. Will have to waste a flask on Season 1, bc thatā€™s all I can do without crashing. Kicked three times now.

EDIT: Eight hours later, still took three tries to log on, and got kicked as soon as I tried to do Trials of Shadows, or either of the other quests. Iā€™ll be :shower:'d if I canā€™t do that trial!

EDIT: Nine hours later, and I now canā€™t do S1 levels. I had to use entirely loot tickets to fill a Fire chest. Got kicked on every level I tried. :angry: @Petri Now donā€™t have time to submit a ticket, as I have to go to work, but hope to have time late tonight! (Did get an excellent chest, though. :smile_cat:)

FINAL EDIT: My game was mysteriously completely okay, by the time I got home from workā€¦ Why??

Once again @Petri, is there any information what caused this problem? I mean, 40 minutes is not just a short interruption that costs flags and patience. Any reaction would be nice or do you expect every single player to open a ticket (by the way not that easy while the game is not workingā€¦).

I really hope, that this will not turn out as the new standard? :roll_eyes:

There should be no known issues from our side, you may submit a ticket but it is possibly a network issue. If possible, I would recommend trying to open the game with another connection.

Now, just in time for AR, I canā€™t play a single Atlantis level without using a loot ticket. My game was fine this morning, on the same network.

All my other games and everything else Iā€™m using (laptop, other devices, other stuff on the same device) are fine.

Iā€™m getting different error messages every time, too. But same result: kicked from the game and have to ā€œretryā€ my connection.

Iā€™m getting mighty :angry: about this!!

I will have been playing for two years on Oct 5 ā€“ happy anniversary to me.

Aaannnd, just so you donā€™t waste time typing a long answer, or searching for an FAQ to post, yes, Iā€™m using the latest OS, yes, all other apps are closed ā€“ they have to be, and always, always are ā€“ and yes, I clear my cache and free up memory before loading the game every single time.

Same with me. I even cannot login to the game right now (I using 4G Mobile Data) but other app can working fine with this network

Iā€™m so sorry thatā€™s happening, DN; itā€™s soooo frustrating!! Thanks for posting, so itā€™s obvious Iā€™m not the only one. I wish others would!

EDIT: Just requested support and got an autoreply asking if help with Version 18 or being in a friendly community would help. Gee thanksā€¦

EDIT: Just so anybody reading this can check it, my device is suddenly shooting up to 82% RAM usage upon entering the game, when itā€™s never done that before. If I clear it, it just reloads the game from scratch and happens again. Again, there is nothing else running.

I can connect again now. Donā€™t know what was happen

This has been happening to me for a few weeks now. I canā€™t pinpoint exactly when it started happening, but maybe from the last version/build update? I have connection error several times a day and to fix it, I have to exit the game completely and restart. I know of at least one other in my alliance having the same issue. We both are Android users.

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Did you make any changes to your internet service?

I was getting on to apologise to SG (@Petri) because I think weā€™ve ascertained that itā€™s the new internet service we signed up for just a few days before this started happening.

It turned out that when my partner was on their computer, I couldnā€™t play my games (this and one other large one).

Weā€™ve also had other strange and very frustrating things happening, such as the VoIP phone not working at all, or going straight to voice mail, and we canā€™t pick it up.

It might be that weā€™ve all just had changes to our connectivity (new service, new neighbours, new hardwareā€¦?).

So I bought a bunch of loot tickets to make up for my rant. :grin:

P.S. Both my devices are Android; I thought I mentioned that, but canā€™t find any reference, sorry.

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There hasnā€™t been any change in my connection outside the game. Luckily, the connection issues have subsided the last few days. Fingers crossed.

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Itā€™s back, grrrā€¦

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