Confirmation box for Base purchases with gems / Confirmation prompt before purchasing Food/Ham/Iron refills / Confirmation box before using gems for Food when leveling Heroes

Who’s going to spend gems on food after the first week of playing? Seriously!? Even if you spend 1000usd a week. You aren’t going to use those gems for food. Especially at the point when you have resources producing enough food to fill up in a day.

I have some sympathy with @Fudgypoo

I fed my first Liana to Gormek by relying on muscle memory

Now SG had introduced an extra warning when feeding away 5* heroes.

It’s easy to point out another’s error, but we are all capable of them.

The same could easily be implemented here.


Agreed, we’re all capable of accidentally mashing the buttons too much and potentially spending gems without meaning to. Just, you know, try to learn from the mistake. SG implementing an extra warning though can’t hurt


Just wait until it happens to you. How long have you been playing? I presume not very long. I am busy with two children and life and this scenario is way to easy to waste gems when speeding through monotonous tasks in the game. Plenty of others have encountered this problem. You may be the luckiest person, or the most detail oriented player, or just have plenty of time on your hands. Whatever it may be, just wait until you’ve spent your first 100, 500, or 1000 gems on food that you absolutely didn’t need at that very moment. Just wait…

18 months bud. Never accidentally spent gems on food

I think nobody is really against any extra warning before doing something you don’t want to do.

It will be 3 years in one month

I did it already sometimes during monthly events, if you don’t recognize that your heroes died and you try to make a match you will sometimes hit the 75 gems continue button.
I’m playing more carefully now.
But I never used gems accidentally when I was leveling or something other without stress

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Kids, we’re getting off topic.

Mistakes happen.

Vote, don’t vote, move on.


Now how do I vote on this? Thanks in advance

You can’t vote on your own proposal.

We assume you’re for it :wink:

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Well, is there a confirmation button for that? Lol JK

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I appreciate that. I hadn’t until this last year making me a 4 year player

I literally just but dialled four gem purchases from the featured section in the shop. I wasn’t even in the shop. I just started a level, put it in auto and placed my phone in my pocket… then somehow ended up losing about 3000 gems on stuff I would never purchase , including a ridiculous raid block. I am pretty upset right now…

This is not the first time. I also lost 500 gems because of a but dialled name change… Then 500 more to change it back. Frustrating…

Nothing I can do about it apparently.

So, my idea is to create another secure step in the gem purchase process that needs a pin or code. Or at least the option to activate this security feature.

Also, an undo option for those purchases that do not rely on chance, provided the materials you bought have not been consumed. Perhaps time limited.

What also sucks is the game not auto-playing in the background or when the phone is on standby… This is what caused phone to be in pocket while running the game… Unnecessary constraint.

Why not just not turn your screen off when you place the phone in your pocket or take accountability for a boneheaded move?

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Ummmm… May i suggest just not putting your phone in your pocket without locking your screen? Pretty sure all of us don’t need added features to prevent that. :thinking:

You’re not the only one that has made this mistake


Because the game will not run when the phone is off…did you not read that?