Compensatie voor generfde helden

Ik begrijp dat er bepaalde nieuwe helden moeten generfd worden omdat ze te sterk zijn, maar er is wel veel werk in gestoken om die helden op te waarderen. Een compensatie daarvoor is wel noodzakelijk vind ik!!

Another compensation request? Okay, I’ll bite.
What kind of compensation would suffice?
Should this compensation be for all nerfs or just some?
How should compensation be decided?
What happens when they rebuff a hero as they did with Vela for instance?
Why do you think you deserve compensation considering you read and agreed to the terms and conditions which point out that you don’t own the hero and all heroes can/may be adjusted at any time?

I think the call for compensation is a little ridiculous to be honest. Most of the heroes they nerf are not nerfed into uselessness (Exception to Telly after 3 or 4 nerfs) and many of them would still have gotten the mats in their current state.
Whichever hero you are bi***ing about I’m sure they are still a decent and solid hero. Just no longer overpowered.

Just one gamers opinion

Game Well :sunglasses: :mechanical_arm: :wolf: