I’m about to activate the 19th node in Cobalts emblem path. What would you choose? 2 % heal or 2 % Manabonus? He is placed left or right wing and Garnet is my tank. Thank you in advance.
I would probably go the alternate node.
I don’t think that the mana node is overly useful for the ninjas. From another thread:
I would probably go the crit node.
I don’t think that the mana node is overly useful for the ninjas.
I’d go atkX bonus in that slot, if we are just picking from all bonuses that exist.
Thanks for the replies, but there are just heal bonus (maybe good Combo as having Garnet as Tank/Healer) and Manabonus (I don’t know how the Ninjas behave in Def with the Manabonus).
I would still get the mana nod as it gives you the flexibility on offense to put a level 5 mana troop under cobalt and preserve your high level mana troops for average speed heroes (e.g. frida/Glenda/loki).
Beside I don’t see any real value in 2% more heal…