Classes... which is better... health or defence for Guardian Jackal

Sounds good!

Recent feedback has been that a lot of people like having one shorter thread for each hero, so that seems worth trying, especially since there are some that have had broader conversations about the stat directions for each choice in general. :slight_smile:

My personal take:

I was initially inclined to “fix” shortcomings of heroes via the Talent Grid upgrades — squishy heroes get defense/health, sturdy but low attack heroes get attack buffs.

But ultimately I decided that would just end up with all of them as a middling pile of averaged out mush.

So instead, I’m taking the approach of pumping up intrinsic skills.

For Jackal, he’s clearly a high attack stat to start — so for me, throw gas on the fire and watch it explode.

Sure, it’s going to burn you sometimes.

He’ll die a lot, just like he does now.

But when he doesn’t die, he’ll do what he does even better than now. And I think that’s the better route.

And even if you go attack at every chance, you’ll still pick up some health and defense along the way.

In general, 1 Defense is worth a bit more than 2 HP, based on the way damage is calculated. And, funny enough, the Talent Grid is set up exactly that way when comparing the numbers.

That tends to favor Defense upgrades.

Now, obviously that’s only true to a point, as @Kerridoc observed:

Some useful observations from others on Defense/Health, curated to be applicable to Jackal:

And more on the premise of Attack vs. Defense/Health for Jackal, from the other thread on this