Clarissa vs seshat

Big dilemma…Ho to ascend, clarissa or seshat…I already have a second seshat+10 and telluria+10 so no emblems for neither of them

i’ll choose clarissa for variety and like her ability 30% def againts special skill


In my honest opinion, both deserve to be ascended. But I much prefer variety so on this occasion I vote Clarissa.
I have her on max +7 and she has been solid in both defence and offence.
Whichever hero you choose, good luck


I don’t see how this is a Dilemma…


If you mono or even 4/1, Clarissa ‘s elemental link comes in handy. I like to use her with say hel… to get a little bit of damage going while I recharge my heroes for the final kill shots.


I have bowth on max sheshat whith 19 emblems and clarisa whit 3 for a mono team on purple they do a great job .but if you dont have a strong team on purple i whil go for the moment whit sheshat beacousse of the minions and the buf schill all depend on what herous you have in your team


Seshat, hands down


+1 for the elemental link ability, it’s clutch at very fast


20 miller lites


Clarissa. I would have suggested a 2nd Seshat, but Guinevere aint be getting her throne back as the best tank as Seshat would devastate her. Again, Clarissa.


Seshat is a beast there is no dilemma here just choose her you won’t regret it (I regretted max clarissa over over costume domitia and even over alfrike!!!)

I would ascend 4 Seshat over 1 Clarissa…


You are not helping me very much :joy:…clarissa strong in offense with at least 2 other purple but weak in defense because usually you have just one purple…seshat strong in both situation but not very fast like clarissa.So maybe clarissa is doing the same things at level 70?

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I LOVE Seshat…wish I had her. That said, with an already emblemed Sesh, I think Clarissa will help you more overall when stacking purple. Great team!


I will have to make this choice eventually… I only have 1 Tabard at the moment, though. I will level both to 3-70 and then just take them out for war attacks and see how I like each.

My decision will need to be based on a couple of factors: my other maxed Purple attackers are an Ursena+17 and Kage (no emblems… Gravemaker got first dibs, and Malosi will get the next once GM reaches +18).

I’m leaning towards Clarissa next, since I already have a Purple sniper in Kage, and since I have two mana troops of sufficient level to let both Kage & Clarissa charge in 6 tiles when I stack. I typically stack 3-1-1 for raids now, so having two that charge in 6 tiles would be awesome. :slight_smile:

If I had neither of those others and had to choose between Seshat and Clarissa… I’d probably still pick Clarissa, just for the faster speed.

Good gaming!

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For what its worth, be reminded that the Element Link of 2 Seshats does not stack with each other (i hope i am not mistaken or this will be too awkward on myself). But having Clarissa and Seshat’s Element Link serves better for your entire purple team. Kage and Clarissa also have good synergy since they are both very fast mana


I would say Seshat, she is great in 5 ways:

  1. Fast
  2. Sniper, forget arrows Seshat uses lead bricks
  3. Minions
  4. Dispeller from target and nearby enemies
  5. Mana buff to purple heroes can’t be dispelled

I like Clarissa’s skills of:

  1. +30% defense against Special Skills can’t be dispelled
  2. Very fast

But for me a side by side comparison puts Seshat ahead.


I think most of us agree…

But with one (possibly two, after rereading OP) sesh already maxed… the question is, go for another or Max Clarissa?



Personal opinion is that Clarissa will add more to the team because she has an excellent elemental link and I didn’t see any mention of another with poison so her DoT won’t be overwritten.

The second Seshat is most probably going to have tabards as well but for a question of priority today Clarissa feels like the one based on what OP has told us.


Yes…exactly…I already have one seshat max

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Thanks guys…I would probably go with clarissa for diversity

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